Willie Mercer


Cásate conmigo
Executive Producer
Una estrella del pop es abandonada por su prometido, una estrella del rock, momentos antes de su boda en el Madison Square Garden, por lo que decide casarse con un hombre que selecciona aleatoriamente entre el público.
Jeff Ross Roasts the Border
Executive Producer
Roastmaster Jeff Ross explores the world surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border, speaking to immigrants, DREAMers, detainees, border patrolers, human traffickers and Trump supporters. Then he puts on a show next to the border wall to roast American immigration policies, random audience volunteers and every ethnicity imaginable.
Executive Producer
El cantante de la banda Imagine Dragons, Dan Reynolds, alarmado por la alta tasa de suicidios entre los adolescentes de Utah, el estado mormón de EEUU, arranca una investigación sobre cómo la Iglesia trata a sus miembros LGTBI.
Jeff Ross Roasts Cops
Executive Producer
Roastmaster General Jeff Ross talks to Black Lives Matter activists, goes on an eye-opening police ride-along, and roasts members of the Boston Police Department.
Jeff Ross Roasts Criminals: Live at Brazos County Jail
Executive Producer
Jeff gives the most dangerous – and enlightening – roast of his life from behind the walls of the Brazos County Jail in Bryan, Texas. In this special he touches on topics surrounding incarceration such as race, solitary confinement and the death penalty.