Bill Travers
Nacimiento : 1922-01-03, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, UK
Muerte : 1994-03-29
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William Lindon-Travers (3 January 1922 – 29 March 1994) was an English actor, screenwriter, director and an animal rights activist, known professionally as Bill Travers.
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Joe Ryan (archive footage)
Retrospective documentary on the making of Gorgo (1961).
Based on the novel "The Ballad of the Belstone Fox", this heartwarming film chronicles the life of a fox much smarter than the dogs that hunt him. In fact, they never could catch him!
En los años de prohibición, los "corredores de ron" viajan a través del Mar Caribe con el licor prohibido escapando de los buques patrulla. En un de las carreras, uno de los contrabandistas se enamora de una actriz durante la filmación de una película.
The astonishing true story of a zoo-born lion who found himself in the pet department of Harrods, then the cellar of an antique shop in London and, ultimately the wilds of Africa.
The astonishing true story of a zoo-born lion who found himself in the pet department of Harrods, then the cellar of an antique shop in London and, ultimately the wilds of Africa.
Stuck in a dead-end job, Graham Merrill adopts an otter, Mij, as a pet and then moves to an isolated village in western Scotland. Together they set out to explore the curious and magnificent natural wonders that surround their seaside home. Soon, Graham finds himself falling in love with the beautiful town doctor, Mary. Before long, the three become inseparable friends.
Graham Merrill
Stuck in a dead-end job, Graham Merrill adopts an otter, Mij, as a pet and then moves to an isolated village in western Scotland. Together they set out to explore the curious and magnificent natural wonders that surround their seaside home. Soon, Graham finds himself falling in love with the beautiful town doctor, Mary. Before long, the three become inseparable friends.
The true life sequel to the movie classic Born Free. The actors from the movie Born Free, Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, with the help of their friend legendary conservationist George Adamson, reveal what became of the lions used in the filming of the popular movie classic Born Free.
The true life sequel to the movie classic Born Free. The actors from the movie Born Free, Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, with the help of their friend legendary conservationist George Adamson, reveal what became of the lions used in the filming of the popular movie classic Born Free.
The true life sequel to the movie classic Born Free. The actors from the movie Born Free, Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna, with the help of their friend legendary conservationist George Adamson, reveal what became of the lions used in the filming of the popular movie classic Born Free.
Bill and Ginny are invited by a naturalist friend to take care of his home in Africa while he is away, and they find themselves adopted by three orphan elephants.
Bill and Ginny are invited by a naturalist friend to take care of his home in Africa while he is away, and they find themselves adopted by three orphan elephants.
Bill and Ginny are invited by a naturalist friend to take care of his home in Africa while he is away, and they find themselves adopted by three orphan elephants.
A group of people are shipwrecked when their yacht runs around on a South Pacific island. The usable hierarchy in a upper-class British family breaks down quickly when it becomes apparent that only the servant Crichton is capable of surviving on his own and he becomes the communities leader.
Scotty McAllister
El teniente McAllister recibe la orden de transportar un cargamento de municiones a través de territorio apache. Para realizar esta misión sólo cuenta con un pequeño destacamento formado por inexpertos soldados de caballería. Les acompaña Jess Remsberg, un veterano explorador del ejército que intenta encontrar a Ellen Grange, una cautiva de los apaches que, después de haber sido liberada, inexplicablemente ha vuelto con ellos. (FILMAFFINITY)
George Adamson
Después de una ronda de vigilancia por la selva de Kenia, George Adamson lleva a su mujer, Joy, tres cachorros de león a cuyos padres se ha visto forzado a matar. Pronto los animales reinan en la casa, sobre todo la pequeña “Elsa”, que se convierte en la constante compañía y la ama del hogar. Las autoridades intervienen para hacerle ver que los animales suponen un peligro creciente, hasta que el matrimonio Adamson se decide a llevarlos al aeropuerto de Nairobi para internarlos en un zoo. Sólo “Elsa” se queda con ellos.
This British men-on-a-mission spoof set during World War II finds intrepid officer Bill Travers leading three colorful compatriots into Nazi-occupied France to destroy an obnoxiously large, loud, and destructive enemy gun. See if this fearless foursome can stomp their Fascist foes and get back to their game of cricket! Spike Milligan, Gregoire Aslan, and Thorley Walters co-star.
Greg Rafferty
After suffering a near fatal accident in his last race over the hill, top British race car driver Greg Rafferty, is about to call it quits when he gets a telegram from racing car tire manufacture Joseph Bartell. He wants Greg to test out his latest invention, a heat resistant car tire, in actual racing competition.
Three Post Office employees are at work when the facility is held up. The robber kills the supervisor and knocks out another employee. The third one offers no resistance and survives unscathed. Afterwards he begins to wonder if his refusal to resist was a prudent move to preserve his family, or an act of cowardice, as many in the town believe. The resulting conflict begins to tear apart his family.
Joe Ryan
En las costas de Irlanda un volcán erupciona y provoca un movimiento de las placas del fondo del mar. Como resultado un monstruo prehistórico de 20 metros de altura despierta de su letargo. La terrible criatura prehistórica es capturada y puesta en un circo londinense como una atracción más. Pero es en realidad una cría, y su madre, mucho más grande y terrible, está por ir al rescate. (FILMAFFINITY)
Based on a novel by Nigel Tranter, The Bridal Path is a light-hearted look at the somewhat unfortunate results that can come of the continued marrying of fairly close cousins in a restricted and remote community. Set in the Hebrides off Scotland, the story tells how Ewan MacEwan leaves the isle of Eorsa in search of the perfect wife, but finally returns to marry Katie.
Douglas Lockwood
A British schoolteacher moves to Jamaica to teach after a tumultuous divorce and meets an exciting new woman.
Walter Carwin
Drama romántico en medio de un paraje exótico, un pueblo desconocido y una guerra sangrienta. La historia trata de los amores y desamores de una joven llamada Carol, quien de buenas a primeras y empujada por su familia, decide casarse con un joven doctor. la prueba para ambos, al principio muy enamorados, será dura cuando ella engañe a su marido. la solución será marcharse ambos a una zona recóndita China, donde se ha destado una epidemia de cólera.
Matt Spenser
Jean and Bill are a married couple trying to scrape a living. Out of the blue they receive a telegram informing them Bill's long-lost uncle has died and left them his business—a cinema in the town of Sloughborough. Unfortunately they can't sell it for the fortune they hoped as they discover it is falling down and almost worthless.
Robert Browning
En la Inglaterra victoriana del siglo XIX, la joven poetisa Elizabeth Barret vive recluida en su casa bajo el estricto control de un padre tiránico. Sus desgracias se ven recompensadas cuando se enamora del poeta Robert Browning... Remake de un film de mismo título de 1934 con Norma Shearer y Charles Laughton.
Patrick Taylor
La India, en los días anteriores a su declaración de la independencia del imperio británico. Los movimientos de resistencia, que tan importante papel habían jugado en la consecución de la independencia, amenazan con promover una revolución sangrienta que los británicos se ven incapaces de detener. En estas circunstancias, el coronel Rodney Savage (Stewart Granger) recibe la orden de mantener a toda costa el importante nudo ferroviario de Bhowani. El oficial de enlace es la bella subteniente Victoria Jones (Ava Gardner), hija de un inglés y una india.
David Macdonald
Inglaterra Victoriana, siglo XIX. Una chica bastante ambiciosa (Jean Simmons) trabaja como sirvienta en la sombría mansión de un inquietante aristócrata (Stewart Granger). Cuando la mujer de éste muere, la criada empieza a sospechar del señor y acaba chantajeándolo, a pesar de que con su actitud está corriendo un grave peligro.
Geordie Mac Taggart
Concerned about his small stature, a young Scottish boy applies for a mail-order body building course, successfully gaining both height and strength. The film was released as "Wee Geordie" in the USA.
Adaptación del clásico de William Shakespeare. La versión de Castellani es probablemente la mejor gracias, sobre todo, a la fidelidad al texto y al acierto de las localizaciones. Los escenarios veroneses, donde se supone que ocurrieron los hechos, son fotografiados admirablemente por Robert Krasker. En 1954 la película fue elegida como mejor film inglés por la British Academy Awards.
Nigel Langley - Barbara's date
A saloon owner falls in love with the abused wife of a heavy gambler. He is snared into a web of intrigue when an ex-girlfriend is found murdered in his apartment.
While perusing the books of an engineering company, fastidious auditor Frank Manning encounters rum goings on when he is approached by a woman who claiming she is being blackmailed. She begs him to find certain letters and he eventually agrees. Having obtained the letters, he takes them to a specified address where, to his horror, he finds a man, fully clothed, dead in the bath.
Rowdie Rawlings
La película sigue las vidas de cinco boxeadores diferentes y sus motivos para dedicarse a esa actividad.
Victor Tasman
Branded as criminally insane and incarcerated for a murder he did not commit, Speight escapes from the asylum, determined to clear his name. He befriends private detective Hugo Bishop who, convinced that the wrong man has been convicted, agrees to help find the real killer. They begin their search for the murderer closest to home where both Thelma Speight and her employer Maurice Jerrard were visibly distressed by the news of her husband's jailbreak. More than Speight's 'insanity' fuels their worries.
Planter (uncredited)
The wife of a rubber plantation owner must put her marriage problems on hold when her family is forced to defend themselves during a native uprising.
Bob Slater
During a holiday to the beach Jenny meets Alan and agrees to spend the week with him. Wanting to keep this a secret from her parents Jenny gets help from her friend Mary to pretend her whereabouts but disaster strikes during a boating accident. It is soon discovered Jenny was not with Mary. When the parents find out the truth they pressure the couple to get married, but Jenny thinks otherwise.
Posse Man
Para conquistar a Lady Marian el joven Robin Hood competirá en un torneo de arqueros junto a su padre. De regreso a casa, serán atacados, y su apdre será asesinado a manos de los hombres del Príncipe John. Pero el crimen le será atribuido a Robin y se convertirá en un proscrito en el bosque de Sherwood.
Aquejado por una grave enfermedad, el profesor Andrew Crocker-Harris se ve obligado a anunciar su retiro de la docencia. Mientras esto sucede, el profesor de química Frank Hunter sigue manteniendo la oculta relación que sostiene con Millie la esposa del veterano profesor, la cual lo vulnera psicológicamente esperanzada en deshacerse de él definitivamente. Profundos sentimientos empezarán a salir a flote y un drama de alto relieve nos abrirá sus puertas.
Prisoner (uncredited)
True story of three British POWs and their attempt to escape from Nazi Germany
Fellowes (segment Mr. Know-It-All)
W. Somerset Maugham introduces three more of his stories about human foibles.