Assistant Director
John, a man haunted by his beginnings, struggles with finding meaning and worth in his life. This leads him to choose a path of selfishness and drug abuse. Consequently there's a breakdown of relationships with his family and his wife. When things start to crumble all around him, John gets the wake up call that he needs in the form of a caring new friend, and others in his life that reach out to him in ways they hadn't before. God working through them and reaching out to John, guides him on a path of discovery about where his worth and value truly come from, and what in life is truly valuable.
Pizza Guy
The Messenger's Box (Caja del Mensajero) (2015)
Jake Casper, un estudiante normal de secundaria, se encuentra una poderosa caja, extraordinario en el ático de la tienda de antigüedades de su abuelo. Debe aprender el propósito de la caja, el poder dentro de ella, y ... Ver listado completo »
Director: Gary Bosek
Estrellas: Mitchell Biggs , Gary Bosek , Stephan Marrón
Ana es una joven que fue capturada como esclava y estando de venta en el mercado es liberada por los cristianos de Esmirna en el siglo II d.C. Es llevada a casa del Obispo de Esmirna, el reconocido Policarpo quien la acoge como una hija en medio de su casa y su familia. Ana que tenía otras creencias conoce en el nuevo lugar donde se encuentra cómo es la vida de los cristianos, qué piensan y qué creen y valora la bondad y amor que hay entre ellos. Pero un evento irrumpe en medio de esta situación. Un decreto del Proconsul Romano que ordena que para jurar fidelidad al César todos los habitantes de esa región deben reconocerle como dios y adorarle.
Dennis Spicer
Trevor Newandyke is a struggling comedian. Not only does he bomb on stage, but he bombs in everyday life. He’s fed up with all the jerks who push him around. All he wants is a break, and for someone to get him. Instead of taking a breath and getting himself together or taking his anger to the stage, he turns to the loud din of his headphones and the crackling glow of fire to ease his mind. He’s not only a lousy comic, but a pyromaniac, as well.