John Hazard


Les cathédrales dévoilées
Camera Operator
The House of Steinbrenner
Director of Photography
Love them or hate them, the Yankees remain the most glorified team in American sports history. Led by the Babe, the Iron Horse, the Yankee Clipper and the Mick, they dominated baseball for more than four decades before the legendary franchise sagged under the ownership of CBS. Then in 1973, a 42-year-old shipbuilder named George Steinbrenner, a man now as iconic to his team as the pinstripes on its uniforms, headed a group that purchased the Yankees, and turned that investment into a billion-dollar business. Since 1923, the ‘House that Ruth Built’ has been the epicenter of the baseball world, inspiring generations of fans to maintain loyalties through good times and bad. But with a deteriorating facility and an eye towards 21st century style revenues, Steinbrenner was inspired to build an impressive new stadium. While the Yankees kept their Bronx address at 161st and River Avenue, the new ballpark marked the end of one grand era with the hope of launching another.
Nefertiti y la dinastía perdida
Director of Photography
Revolucionaron el Antiguo Egipto hace más de 3.000 años. Nefertiti, “la belleza ha llegado” y su marido, el faraón Akenatón, removieron los fundamentos de la antigua sociedad egipcia y reinventaron toda una civilización. Se deshicieron del antiguo gobierno, la religión y la capital, e incluso sustituyeron a los antiguos dioses. Y, tras la convulsión, desaparecieron junto a toda su familia. ¿Qué sucedió realmente? Hace décadas que el debate sigue abierto. National Geographic se adentra en el Valle de los Reyes mediante las tecnologías más avanzadas y el uso de tomografías computarizadas para proseguir la búsqueda de aquella familia real rodeada de misterio. Una familia especialmente célebre gracias a un niño, con toda posibilidad hijo de Akenatón, que llegaría a gobernar Egipto: el faraón Tutankamón.
King Tut's Final Secrets
Director of Photography
As part of a high-tech forensic probe into the demise of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, scientists use X-rays and CT scans as they attempt to reach a conclusion about just how this famed king died. In addition, they explore the mysterious curse on explorers linked to Tut's tomb excavation.
Enemy Image
Director of Photography
An examination of the how television news in the US has covered war from Vietnam to the present day
Thank You and Good Night
Director of Photography
Director Jan Oxenberg's docu-fantasy narrative about aging and death, and how it affects her family.
Puño de furia, contacto mortal
Director of Photography
Un reportero entrevista a varias personas relacionadas con el legendario Bruce Lee en este pseudocumental que repasa la intensa vida y el legado cultural de este luchador.