Once a successful television sitcom star, Francis McGowan is now a struggling actor who returns to his family home on the Jersey Shore to sell it following his father's death. While there, he interacts with his agent Michael Woods, his childhood friend Duane Hopwood, and tour guide Lucy Bammer, with whom he drifts into a casual affair while his wife and children wait for him to return home.
N.Y. corporate Jane discovers her boyfriend John in bed with another woman, leaves building enraged and jumps into cab. Her driver is Nick. Jane and her friend Vickie have a plan - to make John jealous, they'll give Nick a false corporate identity and pass him off as Jane's new boyfriend.
Paul Colson is a New York cabdriver and struggling actor. When he learns that he has about three days left to live due to a rare blood disorder, he goes through all five stages of loss and grief in a darkly comedic way.
After being released from prison, small-time con artist Cade tracks down his old girlfriend. When she rebuffs him, he fakes his past in order to get hired as the principal of the school where she teaches, in the hopes of winning her back. Cade soon begins to take a sincere interest in the welfare of his students, and enlists the help of his friend Matthew to break a drug-dealing network that has infested the school.
Basada en un relato corto de Kurt Vonnegut Jr., esta película es uno de los primeros trabajos del prestigioso director Jonathan Demme. Harry (Christopher Walken) es un tímido empleado de una ferretería que en su tiempo libre forma parte de un grupo de teatro amateur. Cuando se sube al escenario se transforma completamente y asume la personalidad del personaje que interpreta. Helene (Susan Sarandon), que es nueva en la ciudad y trabaja en una compañía de teléfonos, consigue tras una audición el papel de Stella en la representación de "Un tranvía llamado Deseo" en la que Harry tendrá el papel del bruto Stanley. Durante los ensayos, Helene se enamora perdidamente de Harry, al que cree fuerte y varonil como su personaje, sin conocer su verdadera forma de ser...
Jessica, la hija mayor de un granjero convertido en minero de carbón, tiene una aventura con su medio hermano Carl, lo que complica las cosas aun más cuando ella se queda embarazada.