Chang Seng-Kwong


Fight Back to School 3
Taior's bodyguard
Chow Sing-Sing returns, only this time he doesn’t go back to school. Instead, Chow goes undercover as the husband of a wealthy socialite, which doesn’t sit well with his fiancée, who tries to convince Chow to quit working as undercover.
Run and Kill
A man (Fatty) returns home to find his wife with another man. He goes to a bar and begins to drink, waking up the next day to find that he owes a mafioso money for killing his wife.
Operación escorpión
Yu Shu es un dibujante de cómics que anhela convertirse en un autor famoso. Pero su vida cambiará, ya que luego de rescatar a una muchacha de las garras de una red ilegal de prostitución, el ilustrador deberá actuar como uno de sus héroes.
Dreaming the Reality
An expert assassin - trained since childhood to be the perfect killer - loses her memory during a mission in Thailand, and ends up in the care of a wry ex-policewoman and her boxing cohort. The equally lethal sister of the assassin pursues her, uncertain of her intentions and whether to kill her.
To Be Number One
The story of Ho, a chinese peasant/slave worker who escapes to Hong Kong and becomes one of the most feared crime bosses in Hong Kong.
Skinny Tiger, Fatty Dragon
King-sized martial arts hero Sammo Hung stars in this wild and wacky blend of action and comedy. Skinny (Karl Maka) and Fatty (Sammo Hung) are a pair of police detectives who soon find themselves on the outs with their boss when they accidentally make a mess of his wedding while chasing Tak, a big league drug trafficker. Skinny and Fatty are forced to leave their jobs, but while on holiday in Singapore, they forget their troubles when they both find love with beautiful women. However, Tak is convinced the former cops are still a threat, and when he abducts their girlfriends, Skinny and Fatty swing into action to rescue them.
Widow Warriors
The males in a triad family are betrayed and gunned down by a rival gang and the women in the family - from the matriarch to the youngest - decide that rather than sit around and mourn their men that they will extract revenge.
Close Escape
Knowing that he's dying from cancer, Lam feels a responsibility to come up with sufficient funds quickly so that his younger brother Wai-leong can complete medical school.
My Heart Is That Eternal Rose
Shen's Man
A young couple separates under pressure from vicious Triad gangsters – she becomes a mobster's unwilling moll, and he travels abroad to work as an assassin. But their love stays strong, and when the two are reunited, their rekindled emotions lead them into extreme danger.
Burning Ambition
This is director/martial arts star Frankie Chan's unofficial remake of the Kinji Fukasaku film SHOGUN'S SAMURAI (1978). Instead of Japanese samurai in a period setting, we get modern day Chinese gangsters battling each other for the position left vacant after the mysterious death of their head honcho.
City Warriors
A soldier from Mainland China arrives at Hong Kong to look for his estranged sister and finds out that she has been forced into prostitution by a criminal organization.
Ninja, Demon's Massacre
Police are hot on the heels of ninjas involved in international espionage and that's got ninja gang leader Willie worried. When the police try to trick him, Willie reaches his boiling point.
Hero of Tomorrow
When Lee Sam, a ten-year veteran of the Hong Kong underworld, is released from prison, he dispatches two enemies and goes into hiding in Taipei where his old friend Billy is a boss. Billy is a hothead whose rivalries with other gangs put Sam at risk. After bailing Billy out a couple of times, Sam tries to get out of the Mob life. He retires to the coastal town of Tainam, works as a fishmonger, and falls in love with the sister of Crow, a 20-year-old who wants to work for Billy. Can Sam quit violence for good, start a family, and protect Crow?
Operation Foxhunt
Undercover cops are on the trail of a Caucasian drug baron.
Robo Vampire
Filme dirigido por Godfrey Ho, bajo el seudónimo de Joe Livingstone. Una banda de narcotraficantes crean una especie de vampiros, para guardar la droga. La policía, como medida para combatirlos, crea un robot policía, al estilo RoboCop.
El diablo de la dinamita
Nadie creía en lo sobrenatural. Por eso, cuando los habitantes de una pequeña ciudad empiezan a ser atacados por vampiros, todo el mundo busca refugio en sus casas esperando que la policía encuentre el modo de frenar los asesinatos incesantes de estos maléficos seres, que a su vez se hacen más fuertes cada vez que beben sangre humana. Quizás la salvación no sea la policía, y sí un misterioso personaje de traje plateado. Una increíble sucesión de combates de artes marciales complementados con la increíble aparición en escena del mundo de los no muertos que llegará a su climax total con el combate final con los guerreros ninjas "vampiros".
Ninja: American Warrior
In his attempt to be the most powerful man in the world, Justin Taylor, leader of a sinister Ninja army, has become the largest narcotics smuggler in the orient. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency and the Hong Kong Police have joined forces with the CIA and a brilliant policewoman, the awesome Amazonia, to bring down Taylor by any means, at any cost. The CIA operative chosen for the task ultimately realizes that the man he must kill was his closest friend in the war. Torn between justice and loyalty he's got to make the most crucial decision of his life.
Evil Cat
Policeman / Security guard
Every 50 years a cat demon has to be killed by a Cheung family member until the body-hopping feline demon's 9 lives are up. This time it falls on the shoulders of Master Cheung (Chia-Liang Liu). He is afraid of cancer killing him before he can stop the demonic force, so when Long (Mark Cheng) comes to him after his boss (Staurt Ong) gets possessed, he tries teaching him his family's Mao Shan magic hoping to pass it onto him since Cheung's bloodline stops with himself.
Death Code: Ninja
International intrigue surrounds this battle for possession of a secret war map that could mean the end of the world.
Where's Officer Tuba?
Tuba is a fainthearted cop who prefers to play in the brass section of the police band to pounding the streets. One day, he finds himself caught up in an extortion case with trigger-happy detective Rambo Chow. When Rambo gets fatally wounded, he makes a half-hearted vow to avenge his death. Tuba is more than a little surprised when Rambo's spirit returns to make sure the timid cop makes good on his promise. Backed up by his hotshot partner Cheung, Tuba eventually summons the gumption to track down the baddies.
Ultra Force 2
Henry's Thug
Trás el asesinato de un diplomático británico, un microfilm con importante información va a parar a manos de una panda de ladronzuelos. Inmediatamente la triada intentará hacerse con él mientras que las inspectoras Ng y Carrie Morris (Michelle Yeoh y Cynthia Rothrock) tratarán de evitar que la triada lo consiga y poder así meter a su lider entre rejas.
El luchador invisible
El general Yang y sus siete hijos parten hacia el monte Yinsha para defender la frontera, pero sufren una emboscada y sólo sobreviven dos de sus hijos. Uno de los hermanos pierde la cabeza al presenciar como su padre y sus hermanos son masacrados, mientras el otro decide vengarse de los causantes de la muerte de su familia. Mientras trama su venganza, conoce a un antiguo general que le hace ver que no está preparado para enfrentarse al traidor y que debe esperar al momento adecuado para llevar a cabo sus planes.