The story revolves around an unusual family led by rich widow Mrs. Hondo, who stays at a luxurious hotel where Suguro stays in Wagayama Prefecture. She would act like a tyrant around her children who were afraid of her and were at her beck and call, or we could say under her control. Unfortunately, a tragedy strikes the Hondo Family while on a hike. Mrs. Hond,o who was supposed to be taking a rest on the way to the shrine, is dead. Kawahara Daisaku, the chief of the local police station, asks Suguro to help with the investigation of Mrso’sHondo’soinvestigationstigatione.
March 1952, the only doctor in the village Shiba had found a dead body of Sanako. The cause of death is overdose of sleeping pills. Sanako had been suspected for killing her own husband so Dr. Shiba’s sister Kana is guessing that she has committed suicide due to being tormented by killing her husband. Everyone who was in Mr. Kuroido’s house is the suspect, including all the members of Kuroido family, butler, secretary, maids, etc. The Detective Suguro (Hercule Poirot) will investigate the case. Dr. Shiba will be assisting him. As things are searched by them, a shocking fact has been brought to light…
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2007 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. Mirai Dousoukai - starring Ishihara Satomi. 2. Countdown - starring Abe Sadao. 3. Jihanki Otoko - starring Joshima Shigeru. 4. Gomi Onna - starring Matsushita Yuki. 5. 48% no Koi - starring Shiraishi Miho. Synopsis: A "trainee angel" named Natsumi works on Earth for an advertising company. In order for her to become a fully-fledged angel, Natsumi must facilitate the meeting of a man and a woman who are destined "by fate" to spend their lives together, and she has her sights on a man who works in the same building.