José Andrés Alcalde


La tercera luna
Additional Photography
A transsexual, after having tragically lost his lover, falls in love with a young man in need of protection, without suspecting that this is the fruit of a past love affair, when he was still male.
Entre hermanos
Director of Photography
Una joven es violada por tres chicos cuando salía de una discoteca. La chica quiere ir a la policía, pero su hermano la convence para que no denuncie el hecho. según se van desarrollando los acontecimientos, ella va descubriendo que el único que la violó fue su propio hermano.
La desconocida
Director of Photography
Faced with rumors that strange phenomena are happening in a town, two pairs of friends go to that rural area with a tent to investigate. At night they see strange lights and record an inexplicable sound. The next day, Laura appears before them, saying she is lost.
La desconocida
Faced with rumors that strange phenomena are happening in a town, two pairs of friends go to that rural area with a tent to investigate. At night they see strange lights and record an inexplicable sound. The next day, Laura appears before them, saying she is lost.
La desconocida
Faced with rumors that strange phenomena are happening in a town, two pairs of friends go to that rural area with a tent to investigate. At night they see strange lights and record an inexplicable sound. The next day, Laura appears before them, saying she is lost.
Terror en el tren de medianoche
Photoscience Manager
El jefe de estación de un pequeño pueblo del norte sufre los desvelos generados por un tren fantasma que aparece cada vez que fallece un vecino del lugar. El cura local no se quiere enterar del cuento y le recomienda que para templar ánimos y conciliar el sueño se case con el mayor pendón del pueblo (tal como suena)...