Facundo Bo


Todos están locas
Aunque a Adrien le gustan los hombres, ama a una mujer. Eva, la propietaria de un restaurante gay, se hace pasar por la esposa de un cliente que debe mantener las apariencias. A Alexandre le gustan las mujeres y ama a una mujer que vive rodeada de hombres. Historias de amor, equívocos, situaciones ambiguas.
Rue du Bac
Martial Rey
Simon lives in an affluent intellectual environment, headed by his mother Alice. Raphael, his cousin, belongs to the poor branch of the family, but Simon adores him. So he decides to help him become a writer.
La vie en couleurs
Laura, 35 years old, is married to Ricardo, an Argentinean cameraman, political refugee in France. They have two little girls, Ariane and Amélie. Laura works in a printing company, as a machine operator. When democracy is re-established in his country, Ricardo wants to return with his wife and daughters. But Laura refuses and the couple separates. Three years later, the young woman meets Didier Caillaux-Lalande, a young man who comes to print a book on Gustave Doré.
For Example, Argentina
Documentary on State terrorism during the last military dictatorship in Argentina, made in its aftermath. Invited by the Goethe-Institut to hold a workshop with young film students, Schroeter contrasts the official statements of the regime with the testimony of victims, dissidents and relatives of the disappeared. And trust that their faces and words will resonate much more than a mere representation of violence.
El amor por tierra
Tras la representación en formato teatro de apartamento de una de sus obras, el autor teatral Clément Roquemaure (Jean-Pierre Kalfon) propone a los actores, Charlotte (Géraldine Chaplin), Emily (Jane Birkin) y Silvano (Facundo Bo), participar en la representación de su siguiente obra. Para ello deberán trasladarse a la casa de Roquemaure, en las afueras y ensayar durante una semana la obra, de la que sólo conocerán el final en el momento de su representación. En la misma casa viven Paul (André Dussollier), mago de profesión, que mantiene con Roquemaure una relación entre la amistad y la rivalidad, y Virgil (Laszlo Szabo), el mayordomo. En el curso de la semana se suceden los ensayos, al tiempo que las actrices van descubriendo los secretos de una casa en la que se oyen extraños sonidos y en la que existe una habitación prohibida. El espectro de una mujer desaparecida, Béatrice (Isabelle Linnartz), flota tanto sobre la obra como en las relaciones de los personajes...
All Fired Up
Le secrétaire de Nash
Victor Valance, an absent father and gambler, works with shady casino operations abroad. When he returns to Paris in need of money, he plans to take advantage that Pauline, his eldest daughter now fully responsible for the whole family, has begun to work for the Ministry of Finance. Pauline thwarts his new projects but when she realizes gangsters are looking for Victor she will put her life at risk to help him and save their family.
The Red Shade
The time is the 1930s and two Soviet spies (both Frenchmen by nationality) have been helping Communist factions during the Civil War in Spain. It is the time of Stalin's iron rule in the USSR, and the two agents are suddenly called to Moscow by the KGB. Knowing that they are in trouble for no fault of their own, fear drives one of them to suicide while the other gets his lover and her child and begins a run for his life, knowing that the KGB will never let him go free.
Cocktail Molotov
Tres jóvenes con ansias de libertad, en tiempos de la revolución estudiantil del 68. Frédéric y Anne, de diecisiete años, son novios y vienen de estratos sociales muy diferentes. Están dispuestos a sortear cualquier obstáculo que les impida ser felices, así que Anne, presionada por problemas familiares, convence a Frédéric para marcharse de casa. Junto a Bruno, un amigo, los tres parten en coche rumbo a Venecia, desde donde pretenden ir hacia Israel. El padre de Frédéric está enfermo y éste desea regresar. En Italia sufren unos cuantos percances y cuando se enteran de los levantamientos de estudiantes y trabajadores de París, deciden volver...