Paul Seelig


Television: Swedish Version
A young inventor has constructed a television set. His landlady has become very skeptical of both him and his invention, perhaps mainly due to the fact that he is constantly broke and hasn't paid the rent in months. Adding to the irritation is that the hostess's daughter loves the young man and is trying to convince her employer, the director, to finance the whole thing. The director wants both her and the television set, but his evil investment doesn't come to fruition thanks to the latter.
The general
Maria, a young Russian student, is loved by Viktor Sabline, a Russian scientist. They marry and immediately afterwards, the World War breaks out and Viktor is drafted as lieutenant.
A woman's tomorrow
A smart young manicurist works in a hotel where she earns big money by tricking businessmen by persuading them to do certain deals where she has a commission. She meets a young inexperienced man who falls in love with her and proposes.
Min fru har en fästman
Charles XII
Bengt Ulfclou, löjtnant
The film depicts the life of Charles XII of Sweden who oversaw the expansion of the Swedish Empire until its defeat at the Battle of Poltava. It was the most expensive production in Swedish history when it was made, and inspired a string of large budget Swedish historical films
Johan Ulfstjerna
The story of a man who makes a great sacrifice for his country and for his son. Based on the play of the same title by Tor Hedberg.
Love's Crucible
At the end of the middle ages, Ursula is accused of having poisoned her own husband. She claims she is innocent, but to prove it, she must submit to a ritual: trial by fire, walking on fire along a path leading directly to a crucifix. A film that has been much commended for the visual creativity shown by the director in successive blending in of images involving Ursula, her husband, the Virgin Mary, and Jesus Christ. Much applauded, also: the performance of Jenny Hasselqvist, thus described by French director René Clair: “We shall never forget her flaming eyes, the severity of her spirit, her abrupt and alarmed expressions, like an animal under threat.”
En vildfågel
Paul Hennings
A woman searches for the child she gave up at birth.