

The Night Rider
Saloon Dancer Tula
Officer John Brown is after the outlaw known as the Night Rider. Posing as Jim Blake he takes a job on the Rogers ranch. He finds the secret passage from the Rogers mine to the Rogers house used by the Night Rider and also a note written by the Night Rider to his henchmen. Practicing his hand writing, he has a plan to trap him.
El paraíso del mal
Native Dancer
En un hotel en medio del Sahara, un anciano y su hija intentan ocultar la ubicación de un tesoro escondido a un grupo de ladrones y delincuentes que se alojan en el hotel y que están decididos a conseguirlo. Un día llega al hotel un ladrón de refinados modales, con su propio plan para conseguir el botín, pero surgen complicaciones cuando comienza a enamorarse de la hija.
Wings of Adventure
Cabaret Dancer
Dave Kent, a commercial aviator, and his mechanic, Skeets Smith, are forced to make an emergency landing in Mexico and find themselves in the hands of La Panthera, a notorious bandit who wishes to overthrow the government and become president of a new republic. Manuel, his chief henchman, obliges them to collect the booty in a robbery, but Kent manages to meet María Valdez, a prisoner--held for marriage to the insurgent leader--who implores his aid. Kent and Skeets are arrested for the robbery and sentenced to death.