Nora Boeckler

Nora Boeckler

Nacimiento : 1980-10-27, Ludwigsburg, Germany


Nora Boeckler


Oskars Kleid
Frau Steck
Since Ben has been living apart from his ex-wife Mira and his children, his life has fallen apart. But unexpectedly, he gets a second chance: when Mira, pregnant to the teeth, has to be hospitalized, his children live with him again. This time, everything will be fine - he thinks! But his son Oskar brings a small problem: he wears a dress that he doesn't want to take off.
Benjamin the Elephant
Girl's Mother
Benjamin and his best friend Otto have to deal with the shrewd Zora Zack and to reach deep into their bag of tricks to save the Newtown Zoo.
100 cosas
Willi's Mutter
Los mejores amigos Toni y Paul deciden renunciar a todas sus pertenencias durante 100 días, por lo que reciben uno de sus artículos cada día. Durante este desafío, los dos se dan cuenta de que lo único que no pueden prescindir es su amistad. Una historia sobre el materialismo contemporáneo y la búsqueda de las cosas verdaderamente importantes en la vida.
In the morning after a wild marriage between two police officers Franz Eberhofer finds himself woken from heavy-armed special forces, who arrest him because of suspected murder. His boss, inspector Barschl, was found dead, killed by Franz' knife in his back - furthermore he and Franz were known in the whole village as archrivals. Franz is lucky that his father can testify an alibi for him, so that he is released again. Together with his friend and colleague Rudi Birkenberger they try to prove his innocence and to find the true murderer. However, there are more Problems to be solved: like Paul, his grandma's young love, or his girlfriend Susi, who pushes for marriage.
Die Büffel sind los!
Kellnerin Moni