Radek Hanák


El chico que salvó la Navidad
Art Direction
Un chico normal llamado Nikolas se embarca en una extraordinaria aventura por el nevado norte en busca de su padre, que se halla en una misión para descubrir el legendario pueblo de los elfos, Elfhem. Junto a un testarudo reno llamado Blitzen y un leal ratón mascota, Nikolas pronto encuentra su destino en esta historia mágica que demuestra que nada es imposible.
Jojo Rabbit
Art Direction
Jojo Rabbit es un niño viviendo en plena 2ª Guerra Mundial. Su única vía de escape es su amigo imaginario, una versión de Hitler étnicamente incorrecta que incita los ciegos ideales patrióticos del niño. Todo esto cambia cuando descubre que su madre Rosie está escondiendo a una joven judía en su ático.
El catcher espía
Art Direction
Durante la II Guerra Mundial, el jugador de la liga profesional de béisbol, Moe Berg, vive una doble vida trabajando como espía para la Oficina de Servicios Estratégicos de los Estados Unidos.
Operación Anthropoid
Supervising Art Director
Año 1942. Dos checos saltan en paracaídas cerca de Praga con la orden de atentar contra el líder nazi Reinhard Heidrich, General de las SS y conocido como "el carnicero de Praga". Basada en la historia de la Operación Antropoide, la misión de la Segunda Guerra Mundial para asesinar a Heidrich, tercero en la línea de mando y artífice intelectual de la Solución Final.
Coal Tower
Set Designer
Jakub, a young, small time drug dealer, wakes up to find the police storming the apartment building while his parents are both away on holiday. After flushing all of his "secret stashes" in the toilet, he finds out they are actually there to investigate the death of the girl upstairs, a close childhood friend of his and the family. He slowly retraces the past week that she has been lying dead in her flat and remembers that he asked her to "receive a package" unbeknownst to her from his drug dealer, Pexeso.
Production Design
Robert works for a travel agency and helps to arrange scenes from the everyday lives of "ordinary" Czech families as an attraction for Japanese tourists. He also works as a kind of matchmaker and occasionally helps to put together some of his friends. He helps to separate his friend Hanka from Peter, an announcer for an independent radio station who tries to capture "real" life by recording the moments from "reality" and playing them over the air. Vesna, came to Prague from Macedonia because it is according to her the best place for UFOs to land, but her real reason for coming is somewhat different... Hanka is followed by the crazy Ondrej, until then a respected brain surgeon, and married with two kids. Through him she meets Jacob, who uses copious amounts of weed in order to be constructive in this gloomy world. On the other hand, this destroys his short-term memory - and he forgets that he already has a girlfriend...