Kathleen Lingo


Executive Producer
Three men enter the new wild west of baby making – online forums where sperm donors connect with hopeful parents – but find themselves exchanging more than just genetic material.
Sorry/Not Sorry
Filmmakers Caroline Suh and Cara Mones re-examine the case of Louis C.K., who was accused of sexual harassment in 2017. They explore his comeback and the unseen effects of this on the women who spoke publicly about his behaviour.
Stranger at the Gate
Un marine estadounidense planea un ataque terrorista contra una mezquita estadounidense en un pequeño pueblo. Su plan da un giro inesperado cuando se encuentra cara a cara con las personas a las que se propone matar.
The Paradise Next Door
As America's largest retirement community continues to expand, cracks, both literal and metaphysical, are suddenly opening beneath the senior utopia.
Some Kind of Heaven
Behind the gates of a palm-tree-lined fantasyland, three residents and one interloper at America’s largest retirement community strive to find happiness.
Executive Producer
Fox Rich, matriarca indomable y abolicionista actual, se esfuerza por mantener unida a su familia mientras lucha por la liberación de su esposo encarcelado. Una historia de amor íntima, épica y poco convencional, filmada durante dos décadas.
Padre, soldado, hijo
Después de resultar gravemente herido en Afganistán, un padre soltero emprende junto a sus hijos un viaje lleno de sacrificios en busca de la redención.
Almost Famous: The King of Fish & Chips
Executive Producer
In the late 1960s, Haddon Salt built a fast-food empire. Then Kentucky Fried Chicken came knocking.
Sanctuaries of Silence
Executive Producer
Silence just might be on the verge of extinction and acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton believes that even the most remote corners of the globe are impacted by noise pollution. In Sanctuaries of Silence, join Hempton on an immersive listening journey into Olympic National Park, one of the quietest places in North America.
The Happiest Guy in the World
Executive Producer
Mario Salcedo took his first cruise almost twenty years ago-and never stopped.
4.1 Millas
Executive Producer
Un capitán de la guardia costera en una pequeña isla griega tiene la repentina responsabilidad de salvar a miles de refugiados de ahogarse en el oceano.
Executive Producer
This investigation into the layers of mass incarceration and its shaping of the modern black American family is seen through the eyes of a single mother in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Bible Belt Atheist
Coordinating Producer
In this short documentary, a former Pentecostal preacher starts a secular congregation in the heart of the Bible Belt.
Transgender, at War and in Love
A transgender airman is deployed to Afghanistan as the gender he knows himself to be. But everyday he risks being discharged because outdated U.S. policy bans open trans service.
Transgender, at War and in Love
Production Coordinator
A transgender airman is deployed to Afghanistan as the gender he knows himself to be. But everyday he risks being discharged because outdated U.S. policy bans open trans service.
Shot in the Name of Art
Coordinating Producer
This short documentary celebrates the late conceptual artist Chris Burden’s landmark work “Shoot,” in which a friend shot him in the arm. [Overview Courtesy of The New York Times]
West Virginia, Still Home
Coordinating Producer
McDowell County, situated in the coalfields of West Virginia, has experienced a great boom-and-bust since 1950. But despite the economic decline and population loss, many still call it home and feel a great sense of purpose among the mountains. Residents speak about their connection to this place and the meaning of "home."
Branko: Return to Auschwitz
In this meditation on memory, Branko Lustig, Oscar Winning producer of Schindler's List and Auschwitz survivor, returns to Auschwitz for his Bar Mitzvah at the age of 79.