Giovanni Alamia


I Grimaldi
El hombre de las estrellas
1st Warehouse Man
Sicilia, años cincuenta. El pícaro Joe Morelli, con su obsoleta cámara Ascania a cuestas, asegura que es capaz de hacer realidad los sueños de cualquiera que aspire a ser una estrella de cine. Con el pretexto de descubrir nuevas caras para una película, llega a un pueblecito y exige a los ingenuos lugareños 1.500 liras por hacer realidad sus sueños.
The Whores
Scenes from the lives of 7 hookers. Five are women. One is a man, and one is a transvestite.
The Escort
Nino Carabba
The film shows the difficulties of an honest, imperiled judge and his bodyguard of four men, trying to clean up a Sicilian town. Corrupt local politicians, working hand-in-hand with the Mafia, will stop at nothing to prevent exposure of their rackets.
Acla's Descent into Floristella
Set in Sicily in the 1930's, Aurelio Grimaldi's feature debut chronicles the harsh story of twelve-year-old boy, Aclà, sold into slavery by his destitute parents to work in the underground Floristella sulfur mines. Overworked and underfed, Aclà toils from Monday to Saturday in the steamy, candle-lit labyrinths. Repeatedly beaten and abused by his "owner" and with constant threats of being raped, Aclà plots his escape to the sea...
A Simple Story
Il secondo agente
After many years, a retired diplomat returns to his native Sicily to visit an abandoned property and delve into family correspondence. But is it worth bringing up the past? A difficult Sicilian history against the backdrop of the mafia and drugs.
Rejas de cristal
Un profesor se traslada de Milán a Palermo para trabajar como docente en un reformatorio lleno de jóvenes con un comportamiento agresivo y provocador. Con el tiempo, el profesor aprende que algunas de estas actitudes de los internos no son sino un grito de auxilio y ansia de libertad.