A word of advice to dog walkers: Don't get distracted. Pay attention to where you're going. And above all, pay attention to what the dogs are doing!
Una mujer embarazada regresa a la antigua casa familiar de sus abuelos recientemente fallecidos para pasar tiempo con su madre separada. Lo que comienza como una reunión tenue se vuelve lentamente aterradora.
Five years after being acquitted for the murder of his family, Sean (White) is finally ready to move on with life. But the bitter ex-cop (Malcolm) who led the investigation remains adamant that he's guilty - and will stop at nothing to bring him down.
A bittersweet love story told through enchanting re-imaginings of popular and iconic New Zealand songs.
Sheila Williscroft (English reporter)
The true story of Jean Batten is of a daughter determined to live up to a powerful mother, desperate to leave a mark on the world – and prepared to go to the ends of the earth to do so. This is the story of JEAN.
Beth (uncredited)
Viago, Deacon y Vladislav son tres vampiros que comparten piso en Nueva Zelanda. Hacen lo posible por adaptarse a la sociedad moderna: pagan el alquiler, se reparten las tareas domésticas e intentan que les inviten a entrar en los clubs. Una vida normal, salvo por una pequeña diferencia: son inmortales y tienen que alimentarse de sangre humana. Cuando su compañero del sótano, Petyr, convierte en vampiro a Nick, nuestros protagonistas deberán enseñarle como funciona todo en su recién estrenada vida eterna.