Documental dedicado a diferentes culturas ancestrales Africanas a las que el progreso amenaza, tribus como Kaksiki de Africa central, Nuba de Sudán o los Silluk. Escenas de la lucha por la supervivencia, la guerra trival, la superstición, Danzas eróticas, cultos al Falo, Rituales de deflorazión y de muerte. (FILMAFFINITY)
El señor Rossi vive una vida monótona. Deprimido, un día pide ayuda y aparece un hada llamada Sicura, que le concede un silbato que le da la posibilidad viajar en el tiempo y mundos fantásticos para poder encontrar la felicidad que está buscando.
A baron, nicknamed Paolo il caldo (Paul the Hot One) because of his womanizing, asks his son, on his deathbed, to leave women alone and only think about work. The son tries hard but only gets into trouble.
Hungry mosquitos, in search of a meal, find that fruit, flowers and other such fare doesn't satisfy. One enterprising bug hits the jackpot - a human! However, the victim vigorously resists joining the food chain, causing a number of winged casualties. The little buggers wait until the man falls asleep, then set up a number of enterprises: cafes, bars, filling stations, all serving blood. Things are going well, but then the mosquito Cosa Nostra moves in, and ramp production into high gear.