Benjamin Brand


Una noche, tras una cena fuera, Sophie Jacobs (Courteney Cox) y su novio Hugh (James Le Gros) se paran en una tienda a comprar algo. Mientras Sophie espera en el coche, Hugh es asesinado en un violento robo. Destrozada, Sophie intenta seguir con su vida, enseñando fotografía en una escuela, yendo a comer con su madre (Anne Archer) y visitando a su psicóloga (Nora Dunn). Todo cambia un día en que Sophie cree ver en un proyector su propia imagen esperando en el coche.. el día del asesinato de Hugh.
In the eighties, Hito Steyerl shot a feminist martial arts film on Super-8 stock. Her best friend Andrea Wolf played the lead role, that of a woman warrior dressed in leather and mounted on a motorcycle. The engagement expressed in the formal grammar of exploitation films later became Wolf’s political praxis: She went to fight alongside the PKK in the Kurdish regions between Turkey and northern Iraq, where she was killed in 1998. Now honoured by Kurds as an “immortal revolutionary,” her portrait is carried at demonstrations.