In the final days of World War II, a secret meeting takes place between a member of the World Jewish Congress and one of the most powerful Nazis in Germany – without Hitler's knowledge. Dr. Felix Kersten, Himmler’s trusted personal physiotherapist, uses his unique position of influence to facilitate a meeting between the architect of The Holocaust and Swedish Jew Norbert Masur. A meeting that could turn Himmler’s thoughts away from the downfall of the Third Reich and towards a course of action that could save thousands of lives. With battle lines crumbling and lives in the balance, the two men must try to find a way to persuade Himmler to release the last surviving concentration camp prisoners contrary to Hitler’s orders that no Jew should outlast the regime.
Lisette Azaire
Birdsong tells a mesmerising story of love and courage, before and during the war. In pre-war France, a young Englishman, Stephen Wraysford, embarks on a passionate and dangerous affair with the beautiful Isabelle Azaire that turns their worlds upside down. As the war breaks out, Stephen must lead his men through the carnage of the Battle of the Somme and through the sprawling tunnels that lie deep underground beneath the battle fields. Faced with the unprecedented horror of the war, Stephen clings to the memory of Isabelle and the idyll of his former life as his world explodes around him.
El Rey Arturo regresa a casa después de luchar contra el Imperio Romano. Su hijo ilegítimo ha corrompido el trono de Camelot y el Rey Arturo debe reunirse con el mago Merlín y los Caballeros de la Mesa Redonda para luchar por recuperar su corona.
La familia Knight lleva trabajando durante décadas en el circuito de lucha libre profesional de su pequeña localidad en Inglaterra. Ricky (Nick Frost) y Julia (Lena Headey) son el padre y la madre de esta familia, a cuyos hijos, Raya (Florence Pugh) y Zak (Jack Lowden), han criado para que sigan sus pasos. Las vidas de todos ellos se centran en la lucha libre, participando en combates de poca monta. Después de años de muchos intentos, Raya y Zak son invitados a una audición para la WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) en Londres. Esta será una oportunidad que no deberán desaprovechar, a pesar de la mano dura de Hutch (Vince Vaughn), su entrenador, y del conflicto que se producirá entre los dos hermanos por ver cuál de ellos se clasifica.
Hayley lookalike
A decade after a catastrophe destroyed his family and their farm, momentous news from home compels an exiled young man to embark upon an intense and surreal journey through the broken and beautiful margins of contemporary Britain.