In post-apocalyptic Los Angeles, an evil pack of outlaws is systematically turning civilians into prisoners and slaves. Worse yet, the spread of a terrifying deadly flesh-eating virus threatens to destroy all of humanity. As good and evil ferociously battle for power and control, three heroes race against time to find the cure for the virus... before it's too late.
Asian American drama. interracial romance
Weird things are happening in the town of Justice, Arizona: three sheriffs have disappeared, and someone is killing the rancher's livestock in a bizarre, ritualistic fashion. Locals believe the incidents were caused by aliens...
But a visiting couple, Charlie and Rhonda, knows better – because they're aliens themselves. When no one else will, Charlie and Rhonda volunteer to be the new sheriffs to get to bottom of the crimes. Hiding behind the power of the badge, the two make their own rules, punishing wrong-doers with their own form of "eye-for-an-eye" alien vengeance.
Follow this twisted, outer space "Bonnie and Clyde" as they attempt to bring Justice the justice it deserves.
'60s Model
Fotógrafo por el día y superagente británico por la noche, Austin Powers es el espía más irreverente de los años 60. ¿Podrá detener al megalómano Doctor Villano antes de que se congele a sí mismo para revivir en los 90? Con la ayuda de su atractiva compinche Vanessa Kensington, se supone que sí.
An heiress is kidnapped during the chaos of a riot.
Charlie and Rhonda are a sweet and comfortable married couple on vacation with their lovely daughter Daphne. They find a rundown boarding house and its haggard owner, Joseph, an ex-con whose mother has just died and left him the house. He doesn't know why this cheerful couple would want to vacation in the worst part of Los Angeles, but he doesn't know they're vacationing from outer space, and their idea of fun is murdering lowlife out on the streets