Original Music Composer
En 1964, en una parroquia del Bronx, un apasionado y carismático sacerdote, el padre Flynn (Seymour Hoffman) intenta cambiar las rígidas normas del colegio, que durante años han sido celosamente salvaguardadas por la hermana Aloysius Beauvier (Meryl Streep), una estricta directora que cree firmemente en el poder de la disciplina. Soplan vientos de cambio político; prueba de ello es que el colegio ha aceptado al primer alumno negro, Donald Miller. Pero cuando la hermana James (Amy Adams) le cuenta inocentemente a la hermana Aloysius que parece que el padre Flynn presta demasiada atención a Donald, la superiora, sin contar con una sola prueba, comienza una cruzada personal para sacar a la luz la verdad y expulsar a Flynn del colegio por abusar del alumno. Esta batalla amenaza con desgarrar la comunidad de manera irreversible. Basada en una obra ganadora del Premio Pulitzter y de un Premio Toni en su adaptación teatral. (FILMAFFINITY)
Farzaneh Mashreghi is a famous movie star. In her recent movie, she is supposed to play the role of an addict woman, whose job is drug dealing in retail. To play the role, her makeup has rendered her unrecognizable. The first filming location is a park in one of the southern districts. And to avoid people’s gathering, the director, Ms. Moshtagh suggests placing the camera in an unnoticeable spot and controlling the scene afar. In this scene, a player who has the role of an addict woman will come to Mashreghi. After exchanging some dialogues, they are supposed to go to a house which is a resting place for the filming crew ...
The Other Side of Burka is a 2004 Iranian documentary directed by Mehrdad Oskouei. In the southern island of Qeshm, Iran, which is a very strict region in point of tradition and African-Arabic rules, all women are under the pressure of patriarch society. Their sufferance is manifested by different mental (Zar, Possession) and physical diseases which must be only treated by Zar Ceremony. For the first time, despite the danger these women face, this film tells us the sad story of their life and shows their confection in front of the camera. It tries to be an honest mirror which reflects their sufferance and unveils their Burka to reveal their real characters.