Torrey Pines is a stop-motion animated feature film by director Clyde Petersen. Based on a true story, the film is a queer punk coming-of-age tale, taking place in Southern California in the early 1990's. Raised by a schizophrenic single mother, Petersen's life story unfolds in a series of baffling and hallucinated events. With a mother fueled by hallucinations of political conspiracy and family dysfunction, twelve-year-old Petersen is taken on a cross-country adventure that will forever alter the family as they know it.
"Dionysus" Extra
Una tarde, Andrew aparece sin avisar en casa de Ben, su viejo amigo de facultad. Ambos hombres no tardan en recuperar su vieja complicidad de machos heterosexuales. Para mostrarle algo distinto a su vida ordenada y convencional, Andrew lleva a Ben a una fiesta distinta... En ésta todos planean participar en el festival local de porno para aficionados, rodar películas porno de arte y ensayo. Andrew parece estar a punto de irse, a Ben no le ocurre lo mismo. Algunos litros de alcohol más tarde, la idea empieza a parecerse a una apuesta: Andrew y Ben se acostarán juntos, ante la presencia de una cámara... "Esto no es gay, esto está bien; Esto no es porno, es Arte". Pero nada podrá detenerlos salvo posiblemente la mujer de Ben...
Executive Producer
Documentary about the Pacific Northwest band Earth.
Documentary about the Pacific Northwest band Earth.
We are all unique fluid beings and that is something to be celebrated and fawned over.