Anne-Marie Deshayes


El jardín de los suplicios
Huyendo de París y del escándalo que amenaza perderle, Antoine Durrieux, médico brillante pero descarriado, va a encontrar en el barco que le conduce al exilio a Clara Greenhill. Una extraña àsión en la que el odio y el desprecio mutuo se confunden inexplicablemente con el amor, llegará a unir a estos dos seres, el médico hastiado y la mujer que Mirbeau llama "el hada de los cadáveres".
Tender Dracula
Two writers and their girlfriends visit the castle of an actor who specializes in playing vampire roles. As the night progresses, they begin to wonder if the man is an actor playing a vampire, or a vampire playing an actor.
Marriage a la Mode
The main character is a woman trapped in the long stifling marriage in a boring province. She has an affair with a traveling photographer, follows him to Paris, and then has a series of unsatisfactory but interesting relationships, one of which is with a woman.
The Panafrican Festival in Algiers
Festival panafricain d'Alger is a documentary by William Klein of the music and dance festival held 40 years ago in the streets and in venues all across Algiers. Klein follows the preparations, the rehearsals, the concerts… He blends images of interviews made to writers and advocates of the freedom movements with stock images, thus allowing him to touch on such matters as colonialism, neocolonialism, colonial exploitation, the struggles and battles of the revolutionary movements for Independence.