Yoshio Takee

Yoshio Takee


Yoshio Takee
Yoshio Takee


An Ode to Yakuza
Tatematsu Minoru, a yakuza belonging to the Ishikawa group that runs the Shinjuku area, has a beautiful sister named Akane. He dreams of sending her to college and turning her into a perfect young lady. He's extremely fond of Akane. His fondness for her goes beyond how he feels about his mistress, Kanae. And yet, Akane feels alone. Now, a new tutor comes into her life that seems to have taken a liking to her...
Thousand Cranes
The entangled relations between the son of a seductive tea-ceremony teacher and the women in his father's life. Based on the novel by Kawabata Yasunari.
The Great White Tower
The story contrasts the life of two doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.
The Forest of No Escape
Adaptation of Seicho Matsumoto's novel of the same name.
The Black Trademark
Section Chief Yamaoka
Ide of the Kokusai Rayon Company visits a supermarket and finds cheap shirts being passed off as his company's products. But a closer look reveals that the last letter of "Kokusai" has been changed to "n" and reads "Kokusan." The buyers, however, are all under the impression that they are buying Kokusai shirts. Ide begins an investigation to find out where the shirts are being made, but before he is able to uncover anything, he is killed on a train and his little black book, filled with secret data, is stolen. Sugino then starts a one-man search for both the killer and the factory turning out the cheap shirts.
Black report (El informe negro)
Secretary Amamiya
El presidente de la compañía alimenticia Fujiyama Foods ha sido asesinado en su domicilio pero el motivo no es nada esclarecedor. El investigador Akira Kido deberá desentrañar la verdad, sin embargo se cruzará cada vez con más sospechosos que se acusan entre ellos y una complicada conspiración.
La confesión de una esposa
Ayako Takigawa tiene que defender su inocencia ante un tribunal, acusada de la muerte de su marido en extrañas circunstancias. Los indicios sugieren un oscuro triángulo amoroso.
The Beloved Image
Ko Tanomura, who was ordered to study abroad in the United States for two years as a youth executive at Haneda Airport and a royal industry, was looking for the appearance of Sako Ozegawa from a large number of see-offs. --Kou's father, Cheongju, is an authority on religious studies, and Orie is his third wife. Eiko, who is a distant relative of Orie, came to Tokyo to care for her sick. Two months ago, Ko, who first met Eiko, was deeply moved...
Warm Current
Hotel Administrator
The story revolves around a young man appointed to rescue a troubled hospital who must choose between two women, a dedicated nurse or a spoiled rich girl.
The Romance of Yushima
Hayase, a schoolteacher, assists Sakai in editing a German-Japanese dictionary. Hayase owes much to Sakai, as Sakai raised him for 13 years after Hayase lost his parents in a war. Hayase has been secretly married to Otsuta, a former geisha, and has been unable to tell Sakai of the marriage, aware as he is that Sakai wants him to marry his daughter, Taeko. Otsuta wants Hayase to tell Sakai about her, but understands the difficulty of his position. At a festival, Otsuta is mistaken for a pickpocket and taken to the police. Because of her background as a geisha, newspaper reporters eagerly delve into her past and report that she has been married to Hayase. Unaware of what has been printed in the papers, Hayase decides to tell Sakai about his marriage. Sakai shows the newspaper to him and orders Hayase to part with Otsuta. Given no chance to explain, Hayase accepts Sakai's order.
La emperatriz Yang Kwei-fei
Ambientado en la China del siglo VIII. Narra la historia de amor entre el emperador Hsuan Tsung, viudo desde hace algunos años, y una joven plebeya que se parece mucho a su mujer. El Emperador está afligido por la muerte de su esposa. La familia Yang quiere proporcionar al Emperador un consorte para poder consolidar su influencia sobre la corte. El General Un Lushan encuentra una pariente lejana que trabaja en su cocina y la preparan para presentarla al Emperador. El emperador se enamora de ella y se convierte en la princesa Yang Kwei-fei. Los Yang son entonces nombrados ministros importantes, aunque a Lushan no se le da la posición en la corte que él codicia. Los ministros abusan tanto de su poder que hay una revuelta popular contra todos los Yang, alimentados por Un Lushan.
The Golden Demon
Tokyo, 1890. Through avarice, a series of misunderstandings, and failures of courage, the engagement of Kan-ichi (a student) and Miya (the daughter of Kan-ichi's debtor) is canceled to enable Miya to marry Tomiyama, a wealthy banker's son. In bitter despair, Kan-ichi breaks with his friends, drops his studies, and declares he has ceased to be human. He apprentices to a money-lender, and he's soon ruthless and wealthy. Several years later, Miya's in misery, her husband mistreats her. She goes to Kan-ichi to beg forgiveness; he pushes her away. He's now pursued by Akagashi, herself a cold-hearted loan shark. Can anything free Kan-ichi's hard heart from the golden demon