Wardrobe Designer
Continuación de las sádicas hazañas de la loba de las SS, ahora convertida en suministradora de carne femenina para el harén de un millonario caid del petróleo.
Costume Design
Dos extraterrestres de un planeta moribundo están en una misión para inseminar a las mujeres de la Tierra.
Costume Design
A vengeful Southern sheriff is out for blood after his wife is brutally killed by a pair of drifters. Low-budget film set in Georgia in 1953 and at the time of release, purported to be based on a true story.
Wardrobe Designer
A nurse is hired to take care of a mean, cantankerous woman. It turns out that the nurse and her boyfriend are after the woman's fortune. When the woman turns up dead in a bathtub full of blood the couple begin to search for the money, but they soon begin to suspect that the woman isn't really dead - or her ghost has come back to avenge her.