Timothy Davies


El perfume: Historia de un asesino
Francia, siglo XVIII. Adaptación del famoso best-seller de Patrick Süskind. Jean Baptiste Grenouille nació en medio del hedor de los restos de pescado de un mercado y fue abandonado por su madre en la basura. Las autoridades se hicieron cargo de él y lo mandaron a un hospicio. Creció en un ambiente hostil; nadie le quería, porque había en él algo excepcional: carecía por completo de olor. Estaba, sin embargo, dotado de un extraordinario sentido del olfato. A los veinte años, después de trabajar en una curtiduría, consiguió trabajo en casa del perfumista Bandini, que le enseñó a destilar esencias. Pero él vivía obsesionado con la idea de atrapar otros olores: el olor del cristal, del cobre, pero, sobre todo, el olor de algunas mujeres.
The Many Lives of Albert Walker
After killing his English partner, a Canadian businessman assumes his identity. Things begin to fall apart for him when the murdered man's body is found.
Misterios de Egipto
Howard Carter
Exploración de la civilización que más ha fascinado a la humanidad por sus misterios y la grandeza de sus construcciones. En su creencia de que la muerte no supone el final, sino el comienzo de un largo viaje hacia la vida eterna, los antiguos egipcios construyeron un reino descomunal lleno de espectaculares tesoros.
Survival of the Fittest
Chris Trinder
Molly Cowper is a wilful 80-year-old widow who firmly believes the world is there for her convenience. Her mild-mannered son Geoffrey does his best to help her keep her independence, but Molly keeps trampling on people.
Return to Waterloo
A man taking the train to work one morning is overcome by melancholy memories and morbid fantasies.
Reluctant Chickens
Malcolm and Jo are eagerly anticipating a quiet retirement but find that their adult children are in no hurry to leave the family home.
The Oresteia
Agamemnon returns home from the Trojan war and is murdered by his wife, setting off a chain of revenge that stretches across this trilogy of play. Directed by Peter Brook for the National Theatre, this is an all-male performance with masks.
The Flipside of Dominick Hide
Jim Bone
Dominick Hide, a time traveller from the year 2130, is studying the London transport system of 1980. Time travellers are supposed to be observers, and are strictly forbidden to land their flying saucers. One time traveller who broke this rule accidentally killed a dog, changing history and causing many future people to disappear. Inspired by his Great Aunt Mavis, Dominick decides to find his great great grandfather. He begins to land in 1980, where his strange clothes and speech make him seem an eccentric oddball. His quest brings him into contact with beautiful boutique owner Jane, and they fall in love. As Dominick's visits become more frequent and more prolonged, he increasingly risks his indiscretion being discovered by his boss, Caleb Line, and every moment he spends in the past increases the danger that he will catastrophically change the future
Tiptoe Through the Tulips
TV play by Beryl Bainbridge. Friends arrange a dinner party to introduce two single friends, Rita and Piers, neither of whom are particularly keen.
El cerebro de Frankenstein
Policeman (uncredited)
El doctor Frankenstein, con la ayuda de una joven pareja a la que chantajea, secuestra al doctor Brandt, un antiguo colega suyo que se encuentra recluido en un manicomio. Su propósito es obtener una importante información médica que sólo él puede proporcionarle; pero Brandt muere y, entonces, Frankenstein decide trasplantar su cerebro a otro cuerpo.