Vasilis Hristomoglou


Τα Σημάδια Της Βίας
Ο Κύριος Λιμενάρχης
Sotiris Moustakas is Apostolos, the harbormaster of an island.
Αδελφή μου... αγάπη μου
Tall, Thin and a Big Liar
Still Photographer
A pathological liar, having reached old age, tells his life in order to become a television series, while his relatives were waiting for him to die to inherit it.
Darling, Let's Get Loved
Stathis, a naughty young man whose father owns a coffee shop at the island’s central square, picks up attractive tourists. His neighbor Rena, who is in love with him, stands in the middle of his love affairs and does her best to win him. Moreover, his sister Kaiti, a cute and tender girl, falls in love with an young guy who met while traveling, and who stays on the island for her sake. After many humorous events, both couples find happiness.
If the Violin Were a Bird
A violinist, Lefteris, is constantly running around on account of his work - from the Symphonic Orchestra to the Church. One Sunday, an incident caused by the competition between two churches sends him to prison, where he tells the story of his life to a fellow-prisoner. He has had an eventful life, rich in both marriage and divorce.
Μήτσος ο Ρεζίλης
Director of Photography
Gender-bender comedy directed by Omiros Efstratiadis.
Kamikazi, agapi mou
Stathis loves bikes, Rena wants to dance all the time and Aleksis goes crazy for rock music. They are three crazy siblings. One of them, Stathis, doesn't seem capable to keep a job and when he loses his girlfriend, his mother decides to give him what he loves the most, a motorcycle!
Good Evening to You
Stathis is a teenager who owns a pirate radio station that broadcasts at the same frequency used by another pirate radio station, owned by Stamatis and his friends. This leads to many conflicts between them, and as if this wasn't enough, Stathis is also desperately in love with Koula and has to face her huge boyfriend Kyriakos...
Sweet Body of Bianca
Lighting Director
A young woman introduces her friend Samantha to the wealthy Greek sadist Orestes. He contracts her to be his slave for two weeks at his place on the island of Corfu. Here she meets his wife Stella and Bianca, the blonde slave/mistress of Orestes.
Πάτερ Γκομένιος
Menios is an unrepentant womanizer with countless victories on his resume. Eventually he decides to settle down and marry Sula. Paradoxically, although his friends called him small "Gkomenio" for obvious reasons, fails to demonstrate the capabilities of the Gannet, which remains unblemished even after the honeymoon. On the one disappointment Menios and the other pressures of mother-who wants grandchild, lead him to the monastery of his uncle, where they stylite monk. There by the grace of God, meets various women that seek a "blessing" of ...
Άγρια Νειάτα
Sifis, a young boxer, is going to challenge the Greek champion Vlassis Hristou, despite the opposition of his cruel, conservative father. His little sister Maria, a virgin teenager, gets pregnant after a romance with Lefteris. Her father reacts violently, because Lefteris comes from a destroyed family: his mother is a poor charwoman, his sister, Roula, a young harlot and his brother, Foivos, an ex-convict.
Lujurioso deseo, amor y éxtasis
Director of Photography
Aris no puede satisfacer a su esposa Sara (Ajita Wilson). Choca su lancha rápida en un acantilado y termina en Suiza para rehabilitación en lo que puede o no puede haber sido un intento de suicidio. Alex, al que Aris ha encargado pintar el retrato de Sara, se convierte en huésped de la casa de Sara y socio sexual en ausencia de Aris. Teresa, la secretaria y ex amante de Aris, está celosa de la relación de Sara con Alex y planea separarlas. Aris, sospechando que Sara tiene un amante, contrata a un investigador / fotógrafo para asegurar la evidencia. El investigador obtiene sus fotos incriminatorias y luego las ofrece a Sara por un precio. Ella pagará con su dinero y su cuerpo.
El campo del amor
Camera Operator
La joven hija de un senador de EE. UU. Se siente atraída hacia un hippie de "amor libre", culto llamado "Los niños de la luz", por el rubio novio del líder del culto, una misteriosa y hermosa mujer asiática. El culto resulta no ser la comunidad de amor "libre" que se presenta.
La porno heredera
Director of Photography
Desde la muerte de sus padres, Della, de 19 años, vive con su tía Marsha y Andrew, su viejo marido. Una mañana, Marsha tiene relaciones sexuales con Alex, el médico de su esposo. Justo después, Della lo seduce en la playa mientras Marsha los mira desde su ventana. Las dos mujeres tienen una pelea que hace que Della salga de la casa. Encuentra refugio en la casa de María (una amiga suya), pero parece que no está y la casa está habitada por Aris y Samantha. Mientras tanto, las autoridades locales están investigando el asesinato del socio comercial de Aris, Steve Brynner. Cuando todo rastro conduce a Aris, Della sugiere un intercambio: Viajará a Italia para obtener pasaportes falsos para la pareja, siempre y cuando acepten asesinar a Marsha.
Director of Photography
Nathalie, una chica joven, bella e inocente cuya sexualidad se despierta en una serie de encuentros con su prometido Stanley, un colega de su padre, empresario. En poco tiempo, ella sospecha que él y Channing, su amante, tienen malos planes para el negocio de su padre.
Hembra erótica
Después de años de abusos a manos de su marido, Emanuelle llega a su límite. Contatrará a un asesino a sueldo para deshacerse de su marido, pero justo cuando ella piensa que sus problemas han terminado, el asesino le chantajea. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Hunters
Assistant Camera
During a hunting party on New Year's Eve 1976, five representatives of the bourgeoisie encounter with their companion the body of a partisan from the Civil War of the late forties. What they are most confused about is the fact that the corpse that lies at their feet is still bleeding…
The Son of Amir Is Dead
Director of Photography
Pierre, a young man of Brussels, has lost his job. Unbeknowst to Barbara, the woman he lives with, he has become a pickpocket to survive. He works in partnership with a young Tunisian immigrant he meets every Sunday in an abandoned bus where they share the loot of the week. One day, Pierre finds his accomplice dead in their hiding place. Pierre suddenly realizes that he does not know much about his dead friend. Taking possession of his identity papers, Pierre decides to go to Tunisia to find out who his friend actually was.
El viaje de los comediantes
Assistant Camera
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Grecia sufre la ocupación de las tropas nazis. En esas circunstancias, una compañía teatral realiza una gira por el país, aunque sus representaciones se ven continuamente interrumpidas por los conflictos políticos. Por otra parte, una de las actrices intenta vengarse de su madre a la que responsabiliza de la muerte de su padre. Su hermano, un partisano, la ayudará a satisfacer sus propósitos.
Death Kiss
Camera Operator
Jim Preston receives a yacht as an anniversary present from his wealthy wife Ellen. He plans to kill her for her entire fortune. To carry out the murder plan, he makes a contact with Mike, a crazed rape killer who has been terrorizing the city. Mike agrees to be the assassin for a large quantity of heroin. However he suspects that Preston will kill him as soon as his assignment is complete, so he finds a woman who looks exactly like Ellen and kills her instead.
John the Violent
Assistant Camera
At midnight, on a deserted Athenian street, a beautiful woman named Eleni Chalkia is fatally stabbed by a stranger, who immediately disappears into the shadows. The murderer is Ioannis Zachos (Manos Logiadis), a young man lacking in both mental and sexual stability, who lives out his erotic fantasies through purifying violence. He often fantasizes about killing beautiful women, in this way compensating for his deficient manhood and satisfying his passion for power. When he is arrested, he immediately confesses his crimes, which is a relief to the police, who have been accused of gross ineptitude by the press. During the trial that follows, the relentless question, “who is ultimately guilty? Man or society?” is again raised.
The Swamp
Camera Operator
Lena, Alexis and Manolis are ready to run with the money of a bogus company they had founded, when Lena discloses the secret to her childhood friend Dimitris. Alexis and Manolis decide to take him along, in their small private plane. They will land in a deserted spot and try to kill him, while Lena escapes with the plane, which she throws to a swamp along with the money it carries. The people from a lighthouse nearby apprise of the situation and try to get the plane out of the swamp, hoping the money will change their fortune.
Days of '36
Director of Photography
The assassin of a prominent trade unionist takes a conservative MP hostage, throwing in the government into disarray.