Henning Kamm


3 1/2 Hours
13 de agosto de 1961: Los pasajeros del tren interzonal de Múnich a Berlín Oriental aprenden tres horas y media antes de cruzar la frontera que se está construyendo el Muro en Berlín. Tienen 3 horas y media para tomar una decisión que les cambiará la vida: bajarse del tren o seguir adelante.
The Bees and the Birds
Lola and her family leave Berlin to move to the Uckermarck, a picturesque yet structurally poor region north of the city. While they are looking for the simple, good life in the countryside, the locals are sceptical about the new neighbours. To bridge the gap and overcome stereotypes Lola sets up a project to bring the old garden back to life, growing and breeding their own food. More and more people from the city and the village join in and the project becomes a reflection on how we are living our lives today. How does the modern urban, individual define work and love? And how does this change our relationships?
Redención: Los casos del Departamento Q
Una antiguo mensaje es encontrado en una botella en Escocia tras un largo viaje a través del océano. La nota es difícil de descifrar, pero cuando el investigador danés del departamento Q lo consigue, tratará junto a su particular equipo de resolver otro diabólico caso abandonado a pesar de que las huellas de este prácticamente han desaparecido
The city of Ordos, in the middle of China, was build for a million people yet remains completely empty. Ordos is not so much a place but a symbol of babylonic hype. But nothing will change - as long as people believe.
Playa del Futuro
Donato trabaja como salvavidas patrullando la espectacular, pero peligrosa, Praia do Futuro. Cuando se lanza al mar para rescatar a dos hombres atrapados por la corriente, consigue salvar a Konrad, un alemán de vacaciones en Brasil, pero su acompañante se hunde en el mar. Mientras esperan a que su cuerpo salga a la superficie, un fuerte lazo crece entre Donato y Konrad y los primeros escarceos sexuales dan pie a una conexión más profunda y emocional.
Each night the only border crossing between India and Pakistan on a 1000km stretch becomes the sight of an extraordinary event. Thousands of people gather to witness the ritual closing of the border, after which the masses get as close as possible to the gate to greet their former neighbors. This "festival" is therefore on the one hand a celebration of the partition, but on the other hand also the only connecting element. What do the terms separation, home and proximity mean to the people on both sides?