Alexander Dirninger


Director of Photography
Die Schwingen des Geistes
A failed musicologist Szabo and his younger successful ex-colleague Fitzthum take on a new series of adventures. This time they need to find a substitute for a missing parrot of a rare breed as well as bribe a foreign university professor with a rare Viennese vinyl.
The Victory of Charity
A music professor facing redundancy and a serious hoarding habit is pushed to extremes when he discovers his girlfriend has given a treasured 1960s band jacket to charity. He enlists a young ambitious musicologist to accompany him on a mission to retrieve the jacket.
Arabia, 1916. Theeb -lobo en árabe- vive con su tribu beduina en un rincón olvidado del Imperio Otomano. Después de haber perdido recientemente a su padre, Hussein debe criar a su hermano Theeb. Sus vidas son interrumpidas con la llegada de un oficial del ejército británico y su guía en una misión misteriosa. Incapaz de negar su ayuda al británico por temor a deshonrar la reputación de su difunto padre, Hussein se compromete a acompañarles a su destino, un pozo de agua en la antigua ruta de peregrinación a La Meca. Temeroso de perder a su hermano, Theeb persigue a Hussein y se embarca en un peligroso viaje a través del desierto de Arabia que, desde el estallido de la Primera Guerra Mundial, se ha convertido en el coto de caza de mercenarios otomanos, revolucionarios árabes y asaltantes beduinos marginados.
Due to her alcohol addiction and a resulting car accident, Michi has lost the trust of her young daughter Hanna and her husband Alex. After the sudden death of Michi's estranged father, the young family drives to her parents' house in the country. After the funeral, Michi decides to stay there for a few days with Hanna hoping to regain her daughter's trust. Soon repressed memories of Michi's childhood and the suicide of her mentally ill mother surface. She numbs herself with alcohol and drives another wedge between herself and her daughter. At the height of her madness, Michi must confront her own demons to save her daughter.