Philicia Saunders

Philicia Saunders


Philicia Saunders


Philicia Barnes
Haejin Park, a trauma therapist, is forced to face her family's darkest past when she returns to her childhood countryside-farm to console her heartbroken younger sister.
Breathe. A Solo Experience
With the recent political, racial, and global unrest occurring throughout 2020/2021, writer and performer, Philicia Saunders, wrote a one-woman live theater show based on her life-changing personal journey towards activism after a chance trip to a Civil Rights monument during a civil rights tour in Alabama, and mentorship by a luminary of activism in Watts, California, Sweet Alice Harris. Unfortunately, no one ever saw that live theater version of the show because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, necessity is the mother of invention, and Saunders knew that this story would educate, inspire, and transform those who see it. Thus came Breathe. Directed by award-winning playwright/performer Roger Q. Mason, this film is art activism - fusing live performance, cinema, performance art and artistic swimming in a hybridized narrative that could only be born during these challenging, yet galvanizing times.
Breathe. A Solo Experience
With the recent political, racial, and global unrest occurring throughout 2020/2021, writer and performer, Philicia Saunders, wrote a one-woman live theater show based on her life-changing personal journey towards activism after a chance trip to a Civil Rights monument during a civil rights tour in Alabama, and mentorship by a luminary of activism in Watts, California, Sweet Alice Harris. Unfortunately, no one ever saw that live theater version of the show because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, necessity is the mother of invention, and Saunders knew that this story would educate, inspire, and transform those who see it. Thus came Breathe. Directed by award-winning playwright/performer Roger Q. Mason, this film is art activism - fusing live performance, cinema, performance art and artistic swimming in a hybridized narrative that could only be born during these challenging, yet galvanizing times.
Breathe. A Solo Experience
With the recent political, racial, and global unrest occurring throughout 2020/2021, writer and performer, Philicia Saunders, wrote a one-woman live theater show based on her life-changing personal journey towards activism after a chance trip to a Civil Rights monument during a civil rights tour in Alabama, and mentorship by a luminary of activism in Watts, California, Sweet Alice Harris. Unfortunately, no one ever saw that live theater version of the show because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, necessity is the mother of invention, and Saunders knew that this story would educate, inspire, and transform those who see it. Thus came Breathe. Directed by award-winning playwright/performer Roger Q. Mason, this film is art activism - fusing live performance, cinema, performance art and artistic swimming in a hybridized narrative that could only be born during these challenging, yet galvanizing times.
Star Wars: El ascenso de Skywalker
Tabala Zo
La Resistencia sobreviviente se enfrenta a la Primera Orden una vez más mientras continúa el viaje de Rey, Finn y Poe Dameron. Con el poder y el conocimiento de las generaciones detrás de ellos, comienza la batalla final.
He's Watching
Angela es contratada por su novio de la universidad para administrar su fortuna. Cuando los dos se involucran en un asunto acalorado, su vida toma una espiral descendente, lo que la obliga a enfrentar el hecho de que su antigua llama ya no puede ser el dulce caballero de su pasado.
Star Wars: El despertar de la fuerza
Tabala Zo
Treinta años después de la victoria de la Alianza Rebelde sobre la segunda Estrella de la Muerte (hechos narrados en el Episodio VI: El retorno del Jedi), la galaxia está todavía en guerra. Una nueva República se ha constituido, pero una siniestra organización, la Primera Orden, ha resurgido de las cenizas del Imperio Galáctico. A los héroes de antaño, que luchan ahora en la Resistencia, se suman nuevos héroes: Poe Dameron, un piloto de caza, Finn, un desertor de la Primera Orden, Rey, una joven chatarrera, y BB-8, un androide rodante. Todos ellos luchan contra las fuerzas del Mal: el Capitán Phasma, de la Primera Orden, y Kylo Ren, un temible y misterioso personaje que empuña un sable de luz roja.
Straight Outta Compton
Club Goer (uncredited)
A mediados de los 80, el barrio californiano de Compton era uno de los lugares más peligrosos de Estados Unidos. Cuando un grupo de jóvenes convirtieron sus experiencias vitales en una música brutalmente sincera que se rebelaba contra la autoridad, le dieron voz a una generación silenciada. Siguiendo la meteórica trayectoria de N.W.A. (formado por Arabian Prince, DJ Yella, Dr. Dre, Eazy-E, Ice Cube y MC Ren), la película narra la historia de cómo estos chicos revolucionaron para siempre la música y la cultura popular al contar al mundo cómo era realmente la vida en el ghetto.