In this standalone spinoff of Charles Band's Puppet Master series, an unspeakable evil from Blade’s past emerges in the form of a murderous Nazi scientist named Dr. Hauser. As Hauser’s heinous crimes are discovered, the psychic war journalist, Elisa Ivanov, awakens Blade, and together the bloody journey of revenge begins
Explores the background of the character Winter, while intersecting events from three entries into the series.
Una periodista se introduce en unas extrañas sectas que viven bajo la ciudad y que se dedican a resucitar muertos con la intención de derrotar a los cenobitas.
Forbidden Worlds establishes itself as the premier purveyor of Horror and Mayhem with a trilogy of gothic tales of demonic possession. The Devil's Spell Bodies drop in a night of terror as an evil witch comes back to kill the descendants of the witch hunters who burned her...300 years earlier! Witches' Dolls A literal demon disguised as a sweet little old lady is hell-bent on capturing the souls of unsuspecting boarders and imprisoning them in her hideous book of paper dolls. Resurrection Of The Damned A man haunted by the ghost of his dead father and enticed by black magic enters a world that goes beyond the wildest imagination.
Forbidden Worlds establishes itself as the premier purveyor of Horror and Mayhem with a trilogy of gothic tales of demonic possession. The Devil's Spell Bodies drop in a night of terror as an evil witch comes back to kill the descendants of the witch hunters who burned her...300 years earlier! Witches' Dolls A literal demon disguised as a sweet little old lady is hell-bent on capturing the souls of unsuspecting boarders and imprisoning them in her hideous book of paper dolls. Resurrection Of The Damned A man haunted by the ghost of his dead father and enticed by black magic enters a world that goes beyond the wildest imagination.
1998. En la villa de Dunwich, Massachusetts, Elizabeth se reúne con un selecto grupo de amigos para celebrar una extraña fiesta. Al parecer, la chica es la descendiente de una malévola bruja llamada Lilith, quemada hace trescientos años. Ahora, Elizabeth trata de lograr la resurrección de su antepasado y tiene una horripilante misión para ella...
A meteor falls to earth near a secret CIA military hideout and merges with a motorcycle and it's rider to create an alien soldier bent on recovering an alien artifact..
El Dr. Lorca, un coleccionista excéntrico de rarezas biológicas, acaba de "adquirir" su mejor espécimen: un mutante horrible nacido de aguas residuales tóxicas, pero el propietario legítimo de la criatura quiere recuperarlo.
Associate Producer
¿Quién será el que vuela de noche en un avión Cessna de alas negras, aterriza en pequeños aeropuertos y asesina brutalmente a los residentes locales? Cuando el reportero Richard Dees empiece a seguir a este desconocido asesino, descubrirá pistas que revelarán que este piloto nocturno es un ser mucho más terrorífico de lo que nunca hubiera imaginado.