During a hot summer in rural England, a sheep shearer in his late adolescence struggles with a growing attraction to his colleague.
The decay of Rome reaches violent depths in Shakespeareas most bloody play. Titus is a ruler exhausted by war and loss, who relinquishes power but leaves Rome in disorder. Rape, cannibalism and severed body parts fill the moral void at the heart of this corrupt society. Shakespeareas gory revenge tragedy presents us with murder as entertainment, and, as the body count piles up, poses questions about the nature of sexuality, family, class and society.
Tunnel Agent
A pesar de estar enterrada en una tumba en lo más profundo del desierto, una antigua princesa (Sofia Boutella) cuyo destino le fue arrebatado injustamente, se despierta en la época actual, trayendo consigo una maldición que ha crecido hasta límites insospechados con el paso de miles de años.