Gisela Aderhold

Nacimiento : 1972-02-06, Stuttgart, Germany


Dark Satellites
A snack bar owner smokes with his Muslim neighbor in the stairwell of their apartment building at night. Her husband is his good friend. They draw closer to one another as the nights go on and look out over the city to the dark satellites, the brutalist concrete buildings on the outskirts of the city - relics of the GDR past. A security guard watches over Objekt 95, a satellite town with a residential complex which many foreigners call home. While on patrol at night, he gets to know a young Ukrainian woman who fled her home country when the war broke out. He wants to protect her, while his friend, the “old security guard”, radios to him from an abandoned Russian barrack night after night. A woman from the train cleaning service drinks in a train station bar after her night shift. There, she meets a hairdresser. The two of them become friends and spend many nights together in the station. Every night, her desire grows even greater for this woman who is exactly as lonely as she is.
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Die Streunerin
Organic Love
In a world in which humans are brought up to be slaughtered, Anton works as a caretaker in a meat factory. As he develops feelings for his protégé 733, he must choose between carrying out his duties and his love for the young man.
Beate Baumann
Apenas una semana después de la apertura sin precedentes de fronteras, Angela Merkel, el ministro del Interior De Maizière, el canciller Altmaier, el ministro de Economía Gabriel, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Steinmeier y el primer ministro bávaro Seehofer, idearon una controvertida solución que jamás llegaron a poner en práctica, pues nadie quería asumir la responsabilidad política que su ejecución hubiese comportado. Los sucesos que tuvieron lugar durante estas nueve semanas de 2015 han continuado influyendo en los procesos políticos en Alemania y Europa hasta nuestros días.
Im Schatten der Angst
Un fin de semana de agosto
Felizmente casada con Thomas, su hija recién salida a la universidad, Katja enseña matemáticas y música en la escuela primaria local. Su vida parece perfecta. Hasta que un encuentro casual pone su mundo patas arriba. El mismo fin de semana que su familia está fuera, conoce a Daniel, un tipo atractivo e inquisitivo, que viaja con mochila por Alemania. Un periodista de viajes, de paso, acampa en su césped. Se conectan. Ella encuentra fascinante su estilo de vida independiente y despreocupado. Le cuenta sus viajes. La hace sentir viva, despierta sus esperanzas y sueños juveniles. Ahora los viejos lamentos regresan rápidamente. Después de tres días emocionantes, se enfrenta a la decisión: ¿irá con él o se quedará en su propio y pequeño mundo seguro?
Part of Us
From her childhood, Nadia felt responsible for her mentally disturbed and recently homeless mother, Irene. For a while Nadia had cut off all contact with Irene and tried to live her life, until Irene suddenly appears drunk at the wedding of her son, Mickey. Nadia sinks back into this quagmire of love and hate, responsibility, guilt and shame. She gathers her strength to find a home for her mother while at the same time she hides from her partner, Ian, the fact that the drunk woman at her brother's wedding was her mother. But no one can oppress Irene, let alone her daughter.
Brief an mein Leben
Schwester Elisabeth
Diagnosis burnout: The successful career woman Toni Lehmstedt can be referred to a psychiatric clinic after a physical breakdown. Urs Egger's free adaptation of the biographical novel of the same name by Miriam Meckel with Grimme award winner Marie Bäumer in the leading role.