David S. Garber


Las Minas del Rey Salmonete
Associate Producer
Buzz Johnson y Stanley Livington tienen una vida tranquila trabajando como dependientes en una librería. Un día entra en la tienda una atractiva mujer, buscando un libro titulado ”África Negra”. Queriendo impresionarla, Buzz se inventa que Stanley es un buen amigo del autor del libro y que le ha acompañado varias veces en sus viajes a África. La mujer, Diana, le pide que le haga un mapa para su próxima expedición, a cambio de una buena suma de dinero. Pero la noche en que tienen que entregar el mapa y recibir el dinero, son secuestrados y llevados a África... (FILMAFFINITY-SETROC)
Desert Gold
Art Direction
Chet Kasedon is after the Indians hidden gold mine but Chief Moya will not reveal it's location. He has also hired mining engineers Gale and Mortimer to locate the mine. When Gale sees Kasedon's cruelty to Moya, he switches sides.
Drift Fence
Art Direction
Although Larry "Buster" Crabbe earns top billing, the hero of Drift Fence is former Western star Tom Keene as Jim Travis, who, at a rodeo, meets city dweller Jim Traft (Benny Baker), who has come west to erect a fence that will prevent Clay Jackson (Stanley Andrews) from continuing his cattle rustling business. A tough Western type, Travis suggests that he impersonate Traft and the building of the fence soon begins. But Travis is opposed by Slinger Dunn (Crabbe) and his family, whose small ranch will suffer from the division of the land. A romance between Travis and Slinger's sister, Paula (Katherine DeMille), paves the way for a meeting of the minds, however, and Slinger switches sides completely upon learning that Travis is a Texas Ranger in disguise. An in-house production (as opposed to Harry Sherman's Hopalong Cassidy Westerns), Drift Fence was the closest Paramount came to a B-Western in the mid-'30s. Zane Grey's original novel was published in 1932.
Gift of Gab
Art Direction
Conceited radio announcer irritates everyone else at the station.
Girl without a Room
Art Direction
In this comedy, a Tennessee art school student wins a scholarship to paint in Paris. He is thrilled until he arrives and discovers that his style is hopelessly passe and is considered trashy. The enterprising artist immediately changes style and begins painting highly-abstract moderns.
70,000 Witnesses
Art Direction
College football player is asked to dope a star teammate by his crooked gambler brother. He refuses, but they player is doped anyway and collapses and dies. A detective has the whole game re-enacted to find important clues.