Maria Zreik

Maria Zreik

Nacimiento : 1991-12-29, Haifa, Palestine


Palestinian Israeli actress born in 1991. After graduating in Law at the University of Haifa, she studied acting in New York. She's been working in film and television since the age of 17.


Maria Zreik
Maria Zreik


A Gaza Weekend
A bumbling Englishman and an uptight Israeli are desperate to get into the Gaza strip — “the safest place in the world” — when a virus breaks out, in this hilariously irreverent satire from British-Palestinian writer-director Basil Khalil.
The Translator
A Syrian exile living in Australia returns when his brother is taken into custody by the Assad regime in 2011.
Laila in Haifa
The film was shot entirely in a nightclub, with an adjoining contemporary art gallery, whose customers are both Israelis and Palestinians, in one of Israel’s most open cities, Haifa. A long night in a place where the most diverse people meet: Jews, Muslims, gays, heterosexuals, transvestites; and three women, who in that multifaceted microcosm, a gathering peaceful hideout, can find shelter from male bullying and arrogance.
Give Up the Ghost
Salam's dream of becoming a mother shatters when she finds out that she is unable to have children with her husband.
A hotshot reporter sees his morals take over after he meets a young, damaged prostitute shortly after World War II, changing his life forever.
In His Place
A complicated and nonliteral Jewish film about feelings the name for which has not yet been invented. A friend of the family in which the wife died in labour loved her more than life itself, although he will never say it out loud. He gladly agrees to babysit the child for a day and brings her home, where he is suddenly faced with resentment from his relatives. This multifigured film with beautiful unspoken truths talks about widowhood of other people and oneself, about others’ children who can be dearer than the yet unborn children of one’s own, and about love that does not follow the loved one into the grave.
Invitación de boda
Shadi (Saleh Bakri), un palestino que vive en Italia, regresa tras varios años a su Nazaret natal. Su regreso no es precisamente por gusto, porque vuelve obligado para honrar su "wajib", su deber de repartir invitaciones a la boda de su hermana con su padre, Abu Shadi (Mohammed Bakri). Así, a lo largo de este trayecto en un viejo Volvo por la ciudad, se muestra una visión de cómo es ser un palestino en el extranjero y un palestino en su lugar de origen.
Ave Maria
Sr. Marie
A cinco monjas del West Bank se les interrumpe su rutina diaria de silencio cuando una familia judía llama a su puerta pidiendo ayuda
Villa Touma
Badia Touma
Tres hermanas viven en Ramala. No les es fácil, estas tres mujeres pertenecen a una aristocracia palestina prácticamente extinta, al ser cristianas y no aguantar la situación de ocupación actual, las tres solteronas deciden aislarse del mundo y vivir recordando épocas pasadas. Su vida cambiará drásticamente cuando llegue una sobrina huérfana, hija de su hermano fallecido y díscolo. La sobrina, renegada por la familia por ser de madre musulmana, deberá aceptar las reglas de su nueva casa. Un hogar que puede llegar a ser más asfixiante que su anterior cuarto que compartía con otras chicas.