Sound Designer
En 1956 en la ciudad costera de Benidorm, Sylvia, poeta estadounidense, pasa su luna de miel. Tras una discusión con su marido, sale a dar un paseo; el sol pega fuerte y sufre una insolación. Confundida, viaja en el tiempo a 2022. Mientras deambula por el futuro se tropieza con Belén, celebridad de la TV, de la que se hace muy amiga.
Sound Designer
UM CORPO DE DANÇA is a proposal for the history of the body, showed through the path of the biggest Portuguese dance company of the 20th century. The documentary follows the rise of dance in Portugal along with the country’s political, economic and sociocultural ongoings as background. It is the story of a transforming body that frees itself from a fascist dictatorship, and of a changing society that opens itself to the world. From unreleased archive images and interviews with several creators and dancers, we follow the path of an extraordinary dance company through the movements and words of its protagonists, from creation in the early 1960s to its extinction in 2005.
Sound Designer
Beatriz y Henrique se conocen, se enamoran y se casan cuando ella tiene 21 años. Henrique es un oficial de la marina y se embarca en el mar durante una temporada. Beatriz queda a cargo de sus seis hijos en casa. Un día muere de forma totalmente inesperada. Su hijo mayor es Jacinto, que desde la infancia ha soñado con convertirse en un pájaro. Jacinto es el padre de la directora Catarina Vasconcelos, cuya madre también falleció cuando ella tenía 17 años. Tras su muerte, Catarina empezó a trabajar en un proyecto llamado "La metamorfosis de los pájaros".
Sound Mixer
Emilio is a lifelong farmer in his eighties who lives alone on his abandoned farm. Everyone close is gone. One animal is all there is left. Today is the day he decides to sell it.
Emilio is a lifelong farmer in his eighties who lives alone on his abandoned farm. Everyone close is gone. One animal is all there is left. Today is the day he decides to sell it.
A bear is sighted somewhere in the northwest of Trás-os-Montes. The animal causes a natural uproar, but his existence seems to be called into question by some.
Sound Mixer
'In the course of my cleaning duties, I examined the belongings of each guest of the hotel and observed through the details, lives that will remain unknown', says the temporary Chambermaid in a large seaside hotel, which, unable to communicate, lives through a rigid methodology of analysis of the exterior and a ritualised quotidian. Until the uncontrollable comes to disrupts this dynamic. Hotel Royal is fragmented and incomplete mosaic of contemporary societies. It could be dubbed a film about the horrors of the soul, about voyeurs or simply about misfits.
Sound Mixer
Crista, Carloto and João are building an airy greenhouse for butterflies in the garden. The three of them share household routines, day after day… And they are not the only ones.
Sound Editor
Crista, Carloto and João are building an airy greenhouse for butterflies in the garden. The three of them share household routines, day after day… And they are not the only ones.
Crista, Carloto and João are building an airy greenhouse for butterflies in the garden. The three of them share household routines, day after day… And they are not the only ones.
Crista, Carloto and João are building an airy greenhouse for butterflies in the garden. The three of them share household routines, day after day… And they are not the only ones.
Sound Designer
Anxo returns to his home village in the Galician countryside. There, he is greeted with concern by the victorious and the defeated, who see in him the danger of diving back into their silenced memories.
Sound Designer
Quedan pocos meses para que Luís Rovisco pueda retirarse. Durante el sueño, sueña con canciones que le permiten vivir de manera más llevadera. Sin embargo, un día se da cuenta de que, al estar frente a la recepcionista Lucinda, su estilo musical comienza a cambiar.
Quedan pocos meses para que Luís Rovisco pueda retirarse. Durante el sueño, sueña con canciones que le permiten vivir de manera más llevadera. Sin embargo, un día se da cuenta de que, al estar frente a la recepcionista Lucinda, su estilo musical comienza a cambiar.
Sound Editor
One of the most far-reaching events in a human life is the birth of your baby. But life with a newborn can be so ordinary and at the same time all-embracing: the wash is drying in the corridor, the bathroom has to be cleaned. In the calm rhythm of the day, 'Ordinary Time' skims past authentic moments like this.
Underscored by French film legend Delphine Seyrig’s evocative recitation of a Henri Michaux poem, Maureen Fazendeiro’s film is a mysterious, multi-textured portrait of eclipse spectators in Portugal.
Sound Mixer
A chronology of the Avenue Almirante Reis in Lisbon. Its past and present. A portrait of those that inhabit it.
Sound Mixer
The story of the adventures, in the twilight of the eighteenth century, of a singular couple formed by a little orphan with mysterious origins and his young Italian nurse of a similarly uncertain birth. They lead us in their wake, from Rome to Paris, from Lisbon to London, from Parma to Venice. Always followed in the shadows, for obscure reasons, by a suspicious-looking Calabrian and a troubling cardinal, they make us explore the dark intrigues of the Vatican, the pangs of a fatal passion, a gruesome duel, banter at the court of Versailles and the convulsions of the French Revolution.
The end of the Cold War did not bring about a definitive thaw in the former republics of the Soviet Union, so that today there are several frozen conflicts, unresolved for decades, in that vast territory. As in Transnistria, an unrecognized state, seceded from Moldova since 1990. Kolja is a silent witness of how borders and bureaucracy shape the lives of citizens, finally forced to lose their identity.
Sound Designer
The end of the Cold War did not bring about a definitive thaw in the former republics of the Soviet Union, so that today there are several frozen conflicts, unresolved for decades, in that vast territory. As in Transnistria, an unrecognized state, seceded from Moldova since 1990. Kolja is a silent witness of how borders and bureaucracy shape the lives of citizens, finally forced to lose their identity.
Sound Mixer
The end of the Cold War did not bring about a definitive thaw in the former republics of the Soviet Union, so that today there are several frozen conflicts, unresolved for decades, in that vast territory. As in Transnistria, an unrecognized state, seceded from Moldova since 1990. Kolja is a silent witness of how borders and bureaucracy shape the lives of citizens, finally forced to lose their identity.
Sound Designer
A woman returns. Now that the night has fallen, a storm approaches.
Sound Designer
Ramiro is a bookstore owner in Lisbon and a poet in perpetual creative block. He lives, somewhat frustrated, somewhat conformed, between his shop and the tavern, accompanied by his dog, his faithful drinking companions and his neighbors: a pregnant teenager and her grandmother recovering from a stroke. He would gladly continue living this quiet and somewhat anachronistic routine if events worthy of a soap opera did not invade his bubble.
Sound Designer
'The Temptation of Saint Anthony' is a triptych by the Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch, exhibited in the National Museum of Ancient Art in Lisbon. In a visionary manner, it reproduces the temptations of the holy man in the desert by playing with the religious allegory, the mystical symbols of his age and the popular taste for illustration. More than a real image, it is a mental image. This mental image, which transforms very quickly into imagination, is therefore the subject of 'Anthony, the Invisible One', in which a guide presents the famous painting to three different audiences: sighted people, blind people, and a deaf and blind man.
Sound Designer
A man, Francisco, works in an open-pit mine. He goes to see his boss about taking the following day off. At first the boss doesn’t want to allow it as there is so much to do, but he finally concedes. The next day his daughter calls on him, a visit he no longer counted on. They spend the day with one another. The longer they are together, and the later the night gets, the more absurd the situations and moments they experience become.
Sound Editor
Manuel Teixeira Gomes the Portuguese President who left everything behind with only one premise: become who he really wanted to be
Sound Designer
Ubi Sunt. Porto. Cartography of an imaginary place attracted by the margins (social and geographical) Hybrid and eclectic project, it is the outcome of a audiovisual research residency of humam and urban exploration of an expanding city. Ubi sunt qui ante nos fuerunt?, meaning "Where are those who were before us?". Reflective essay on mortality and life's transience, it emerges from that dialectic, of a and episodic and fragmented structure with a choreographed cinematography; where the memory intersects the contemporary.
Sound Editor
In the year when cinema was paralyzed in Portugal due to lack of funding, a group of friends embarks on a mysterious expedition to see wolves in their natural habitat, but ends up being trapped in a house without much to do. The night goes by and the expedition’s main goal seems increasingly compromised until the biologist who promised them adventures shows up.
Sound Mixer
Rita is fifteen and spends the summer between warm afternoons of teenage love and party nights with her friend Sara. From Portugal to the South Pacific, the pleasures of this routine will take a turn when the young girl visits the art show of a new neighbor in the local community.
Sound Designer
En un país europeo en crisis, Portugal, un director se propone construir ficciones a partir de la miserable realidad que le rodea. Pero incapaz de encontrar sentido a su trabajo, huye de manera cobarde, dejando su lugar a la bella Sherezade. Ella necesitará ánimo y coraje para no aburrir al Rey con las tristes historias de ese país. Con el transcurrir de las noches, la inquietud deja paso a la desolación, y la desolación al encantamiento. Por eso Sherezade organiza las historias en tres entregas. Comienza así: "Oh venturoso Rey, fui conocedora de que en un triste país...". Libre adaptación de 'Las mil y una noches' ambientada en el Portugal de hoy, y dividida en tres películas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Designer
En un país europeo en crisis, Portugal, un director se propone construir ficciones a partir de la miserable realidad que le rodea. Pero incapaz de encontrar sentido a su trabajo, huye de manera cobarde, dejando su lugar a la bella Sherezade. Ella necesitará ánimo y coraje para no aburrir al Rey con las tristes historias de ese país. Con el transcurrir de las noches, la inquietud deja paso a la desolación, y la desolación al encantamiento. Por eso Sherezade organiza las historias en tres entregas. Comienza así: "Oh venturoso Rey, fui conocedora de que en un triste país...". Libre adaptación de 'Las mil y una noches' ambientada en el Portugal de hoy, y dividida en tres películas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Designer
En un país europeo en crisis, Portugal, un director se propone construir ficciones a partir de la miserable realidad que le rodea. Pero incapaz de encontrar sentido a su trabajo, huye de manera cobarde, dejando su lugar a la bella Sherezade. Ella necesitará ánimo y coraje para no aburrir al Rey con las tristes historias de ese país. Con el transcurrir de las noches, la inquietud deja paso a la desolación, y la desolación al encantamiento. Por eso Sherezade organiza las historias en tres entregas. Comienza así: "Oh venturoso Rey, fui conocedora de que en un triste país...". Libre adaptación de 'Las mil y una noches' ambientada en el Portugal de hoy, y dividida en tres películas. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
This film tries to make a silent record of the arrival of an economy of scale, its flows, and its effects upon the transformation of an island’s physical and human landscape.
Sound Editor
Two lovers hit the road for a holiday. They find a car that has been hit, and a dead woman by the accident. Two production assistants try to leave the set, but all the roads seem to hit the same spot, where they find a dead woman that walks.
Sound Mixer
A ten year-old boy faces up to the struggles of life in a summer camp. It’s not easy to be ignored by the girl of his heart or seeing his dormitory vandalised by adolescent thugs. Fortunately, in the forest, the wild haggis insists on remaining out of sight.
Sound Editor
A ten year-old boy faces up to the struggles of life in a summer camp. It’s not easy to be ignored by the girl of his heart or seeing his dormitory vandalised by adolescent thugs. Fortunately, in the forest, the wild haggis insists on remaining out of sight.
Sound Mixer
Tiago is a final-year secondary school student who has failed to graduate twice. Despite praying to the divine, he will fail once again. Between lying to his benevolent mother and giving in to the temptation of a school trip with his girlfriend, Tiago is faced with making decisions. Tiago may not be a lost case.
Sound Editor
Tiago is a final-year secondary school student who has failed to graduate twice. Despite praying to the divine, he will fail once again. Between lying to his benevolent mother and giving in to the temptation of a school trip with his girlfriend, Tiago is faced with making decisions. Tiago may not be a lost case.
Sound Designer
A princess and a hunter. An iconographic journey immersed in Lusitanian fantasy.
Sound Designer
A film about General Humberto Delgado's brutal assassination by the Portuguese fascist police in 1965.
Paulo Lima is an engineer responsible for a multinational factory. Due to the recession, the factory receives a visit from the factory's owner's daughter, Luísa, who is sent to increase the factory's profit. Some cuts are due to make.
Sound Mixer
Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Pilar, una piadosa mujer dedicada a causas sociales, mantiene una peculiar relación con su vecina Aurora, una temperamental anciana obsesionada con el juego que vive atormentada por un misterioso pasado.
Sound Editor
Lisboa, Portugal, 2010. Pilar, una piadosa mujer dedicada a causas sociales, mantiene una peculiar relación con su vecina Aurora, una temperamental anciana obsesionada con el juego que vive atormentada por un misterioso pasado.
Sound Designer
Salvador knew Contança and Santiago. He did not know, but admired, Laurence. Among them, Laurence knew Santiago. Constance did not know Laurence. Only Santiago knew Laurence, Constança and Salvador.
Sound Mixer
La trágica historia de las numerosas vidas del padre Dinis, sus oscuros orígenes y sus piadosas obras, y los diferentes destinos de todos aquellos que, atrapados en una siniestra red de amor, odio y crimen, se cruzan con él a través de años de aventuras y desgracias en la convulsa Europa de finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX.
La trágica historia de las numerosas vidas del padre Dinis, sus oscuros orígenes y sus piadosas obras, y los diferentes destinos de todos aquellos que, atrapados en una siniestra red de amor, odio y crimen, se cruzan con él a través de años de aventuras y desgracias en la convulsa Europa de finales del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX.
Sound Editor
A portrait of a first relationship, previous to the external world, the one of the family. In a winter in Lisbon, father, mother, son and daughter trace the path of a day by themselves. A film that develops through characters who have for their antagonist life itself, with nothing (and everything) heroic about it.
Sound Mixer
A father and a son. The father will be seventy years old, the son is in his twenties. The son drives the father to the hospital. Classical music in the radio. The father did not know that the son liked classical music, and the son did not know that that would be the last time he would speak to his father. But Mozart asks that souls rejoice, that men rejoice.
Sound Editor
De camino al Algarve, un hombre decide contarle a una compañera de viaje el amor más grande y más trágico de su vida. Trabaja como contable para su tío en Lisboa. Desde el balconcito de su oficina puede ver la ventana de la casa enfrente, donde vive una chica joven a la que le gusta pararse frente a la ventana refrescándose con un abanico chino. Él se enamora de ella a primera vista, pero su tío no aprueba sus sentimientos.
Sound Designer
In the heart of Portugal, amid the mountains, the month of August is abuzz with people and activity...
Sound Designer
Martin Frost (David Thewlis) es un exitoso novelista americano que acaba de publicar su última obra. Martin dedide descansar mentalmente en una pequeña casa de campo a las afuera de Nueva York. Al amanecer del primer día, descubre asombrado que una misteriosa y deslumbrante mujer (Irène Jacob) yace en la cama a su lado. Fascinando por su belleza, Martin cae hechizado. Ha encontrado su musa que le ayude a escribir su obra perfecta...
Sound Designer
Ana Catarina returns from Brazil with her father and her nanny to marry a man she doesn't know and doesn't like. A terrible coincidence happens when, on the same day, the young woman becomes a widow and an orphan, a fact that leaves her heir to an incalculable fortune and coveted by all the aristocrats in the region.
El “Cántico de las Criaturas”, luminoso y pletórico poema, fue escrito por San Francisco de Asís en 1224, cuando estaba a punto de quedarse ciego. Poema que mueve a un trovador que recorre hoy las calles de Asís, y que empieza a nacer en los bosques de Umbría en 1212.
Sound Director
El “Cántico de las Criaturas”, luminoso y pletórico poema, fue escrito por San Francisco de Asís en 1224, cuando estaba a punto de quedarse ciego. Poema que mueve a un trovador que recorre hoy las calles de Asís, y que empieza a nacer en los bosques de Umbría en 1212.
Sound Designer
He and she don't know each other. They randomly meet at a gas station, while drifting. "Where are we going? Far away. Where is that? Near."
After finishing his MA in Anthropology, Hugo spends his days giving his brain a rest from the endless reading of texts by unknown authors. His only company is Luisa, the cleaning lady, with whom he plays cat and mouse. To escape the sleep of reason – which creates monsters -, Hugo exercises his lyrical vein by writing, with his friend Manuel, songs about their neighbourhood. The quiet dilettantism of our protagonist is shaken by Catarina, a young and beautiful translator who’s starting her professional life as a freelancer. Hugo is hooked and wavers. High above, a kestrel falcon hovers. It’s not the only bird of prey that can do it.
Sound Mixer
The journey begins in the Roman ruins of Milreu in Portugal, where a mother reads to her son Seneca's advice on the importance of reading. It then takes them through villages and shores where light reigns.
Supervising Sound Editor
Cecília is sixteen years old. She has a prosthesis in her left hand and a new love, but she does not have her mother's attention.
Cecília is sixteen years old. She has a prosthesis in her left hand and a new love, but she does not have her mother's attention.
Sound Designer
The complex relationship between master and servant is explored in director João Botelho's adaptation of Denis Diderot's popular novel Jacques le Fataliste et Son Maître. As Tiago (Rogério Samora) drives his master (André Gomes) through the Portuguese countryside to an unspecified destination, the traveling pair embark on a series of highly philosophical discussions. Flowing with tales of his life in the military and previous sexual escapades, Tiago trades a series of tales with his rapt passenger, including the story of a vengeful spurned lover who plots revenge on the nobleman who rejected her by transforming a prostitute into a society lady and convincing him to marry the tainted bride.
Sound Editor
Francisco, behave! I Know it's your birthday, you are thirty now, it's carnival, you've dressed as a cowboy for the school party and you are surrounded by kids you hate. But that's no reason to be so annoying... Francisco, repeat after me: "Up to your 30s you have the face God has given you. After that, you get the face you deserve".
Sound Editor
Lisboners (people of Lisbon) celebrates the ancient notion of citizenship, the right to the city in the making, in each migrant’s daily life, living and working. It is set in Lisbon but it happens in London, New York, Paris, Rome… anywhere. The Lisboners are people from Brazil, Guiné-Bissau, Nigeria, China, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh, Ukraine, Moldavia, Russia, and Estonia.
Sound Editor
An intriguing story about a family and a manor house (where some terrible crimes were committed in the past by a member of that family) adapted from a novel with the same title by Tabajara Ruas.
Sound Designer
Mariana is a 17 year old girl, who, after being rapped by drug addict, finds out she's pregnant and, in her path, discovers how difficult it can be entering adulthood.
Sound Designer
Based on a the short story "Low Flying Aircraft" by J.G. Ballard and set in a near future where humans are dying breed. Judite and André flee to a semi-abandoned apartment complex to protect their mutant child from certain death.
Supervising Sound Editor
A family gathers to celebrate Christmas.
Sound Editor
Three people in a car, who will stay there the longest, wins the car.