Paulo Lima


Mission: Joy (Finding Happiness in Troubled Times)
Executive Producer
An exploration of the remarkable friendship between Archbishop Desmond Tutu and His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Striking Land
Sound Designer
In this film people appear, but only as one factor amongst others. Callused hands sow, weed, build and rake; stooped backs bring in the harvest.
Mulher como Árvore
Elva camina por la vida, por el campo, entre los quehaceres diarios, mientras susurra cartas que vuelan hacia los que ya no están.
Memory and Dictionary
A documentary on those who still remember the whaling industry in the Azores.
Memory and Dictionary
A documentary on those who still remember the whaling industry in the Azores.
Memory and Dictionary
A documentary on those who still remember the whaling industry in the Azores.
A child, a man with a gun and a dead man. Another simple story.
The Sin of Those Who Love Us
Sound Designer
Something unexpected brings Vitor back to the house where he was born. His return awakes ghosts from the past and a war long ago locked within this family.
The Magnificent Bandits
Set Decoration
Brazil, the 1920s. The sadistic colonel Minas massacres the hometown of a famous cangaceiro (a kind of revolutionary bandit). The only survivor is a young farmer called Espedito; he is nursed back to health by a (crazy?) hermit who thinks he has been sent (= espedito) by God and therefore baptizes him the Redeemer. Espedito/The Redeemer forms his own gang of cangaceiros but doesn’t really understand what he’s doing until he befriends the proverbial European intellectual, a Dutch Oil prospector, who introduces him to important people. Espedito is hired (and of course double-crossed) by the Dutchman and a corrupt local governor, but then the Dutchman changes sides …
Antonio das Mortes
Set Decoration
A new incarnation of Cangaceiro bandits, led by Coirana, has risen in the badlands. A blind landowner hires Antônio to wipe out his old nemesis. Yet after besting Coirana and accompanying the dying man to his mountain hideout, Antônio is moved by the plight of the Cangaceiro’s followers. The troubled hitman turns revolutionary, his gun and machete aimed towards his former masters.