Emitaro Ichikawa


The Abe Clan
Yaichiemon Abe
“Widely acclaimed as the first full-scale historical film epic in Japan, Kumagai’s adaptation of Ogai Mori’s celebrated novel is an indictment of the bushido tradition of saving face through harakiri. The 19 vassals of Lord Hosokawa ask permission to commit harakiri with him, as a demonstration of their loyalty. Only Yaichiemon Abe is refused permission, forced instead into the vassalage of his lord’s successor. Humiliated and derided, Yaichiemon eventually commits harakiri without permission. His eldest son is then punished for Yaichiemon’s suicide, and when he resists, is sentenced to death. The entire Abe clan rebels upon the son’s execution, and the clan is annihilated.” --Alan Poul, Japan Society
Humanidad y globos de papel
Un samurai sale adelante haciendo globos de papel pero un buen día su vida da un giro cuando es perseguido debido a un altercado en el que se involucra por casualidad. La película está considerada como una de las mejores de Sadao Yamanaka y una de las más plausibles del cine japonés
A Tale of Thieves in War Time: Part 1 - Tiger and Wolf
Story of a bandit king.
The Village Tattooed Man
A tragic period film about a gangster who comes out of prison and finds it hard to find a place again in society.