Graham Turner

Nacimiento : , Wakefield, West Yorkshire, England, UK


El último viaje del Demeter
Basado en un solo capítulo, el Captain's Log, de la clásica novela Drácula de 1897 de Bram Stoker, la historia se desarrolla a bordo de la goleta rusa Demeter, que fue fletada para transportar carga privada (veinticuatro cajas de madera sin marcar) desde Carpatia a Londres. La película detallará los extraños eventos que acontecieron a la tripulación condenada mientras intentan sobrevivir al viaje por el océano, acechados cada noche por una aterradora presencia a bordo del barco. Cuando finalmente llegó cerca del puerto de Whitby, estaba totalmente en ruinas. No había rastro de la tripulación.
23 paseos
Dave (Dave Johns, Yo, Daniel Blake) y Fern (Alison Steadman, Secretos y mentiras) son dos desconocidos de cierta edad que han sufrido por circunstancias de la vida. Se conocen mientras pasean a sus perros y, a lo largo de veintitrés paseos, florece un romance entre los dos. Pero ni Dave ni Fern han sido del todo honestos el uno con el otro y su futuro puede verse comprometido por los secretos que se han guardado.
Royal Shakespeare Company: King Lear
King Lear has ruled for many years. As age begins to overtake him, he decides to divide his kingdom amongst his children, living out his days without the burden of power. Misjudging his children’s loyalty and finding himself alone in the wilderness, he is left to confront the mistakes of a life that has brought him to this point. Antony Sher plays King Lear, one of the greatest parts written by Shakespeare in this, one of Shakespeare’s most epic and powerful plays.
Anton Chekhov's The Duel
Atchmianov Senior
Set in a seaside resort in the Caucasus, the story centers on n'er do well, Laevsky and his illicit relationship with his mistress Nadya. Laevsky has convinced Nadya to leave her husband for him, but now wants to abandon her.
La última vez que vi a mi padre
Blake (Colin Firth) intenta recordar el pasado para encontrarle un sentido a su relación con su padre moribundo. Basada en las conocidas memorias de Blake Morrison.
The Mystery of Men
La Fontayne
Four middle-aged men concoct a scheme which involves them insuring their lives, so that if one of them dies the others inherit a tidy sum. Suddenly fate throws a darkly comic chain of mishaps their way:
Little Voice
LV's Dad
Marcada por la muerte de su padre y una madre que no le presta demasiada atención, una joven vive encerrada en su mundo interior y opta por el silencio. No pronuncia ni una sola palabra, pero, gracias a la inmensa colección de discos que le dejó su padre, es capaz de reproducir al cantar cualquier voz, desde Judy Garland a Marilyn Monroe, pasando por Marlene Dietrich. El nuevo novio de su madre, un buscador de talentos, descubre en ella una mina de oro y su gran oportunidad aunque, para conseguirlo, tenga que emplear las tácticas más rastreras... El oscarizado Michael Caine protagoniza esta comedia musical basada en una de las obras de teatro de mayor éxito en Londres.
Fast Food
A reformed young man with a steady job, Benny, returns to the city of his youth to find the girl he's been in love with since childhood and that's home to his four petty criminal friends, Jacko, Zac, Bisto and Flea.
Wide-Eyed and Legless
Diana and Deric have an ideal marriage: they thrive in each other's company, they're funny, and they enjoy their two grown children and Deric's dotty mother; the trouble is, Diana can no longer walk and her malady defies medical diagnosis. To care for Diana, Deric is letting his business slide, but at a civic luncheon, he is seated next to Aileen Armitage, a novelist who is blind. They have a nice time, and on the sly, Diana contacts Aileen to made an odd request. Diana's declining health and her resolve bring this triangle of unlikely friends to a surprising place.
Sweet As You Are
Male Nurse
A college lecturer contracts HIV after having a brief affair with one of his students. The news threatens his marriage and family life.
The Devil's Disciple
Anthony Anderson
Shaw turned to the classic Victorian melodrama to focus on the insincerity of much that his audience held dear, especially family and marriage. In 1777 as the American War of Independence rages, Dick Dudgeon returns to the family he revolted against years ago. But his life is about to take another twist as the british arrive and seem set on an execution...