Matías Singer


Long Distance Relationship
A brief story of a guy who's obsessed about having sex with ETs.
El candidato
Mateo Borrás
El candidato, segundo largo dirigido por Daniel Hendler, narra la historia de Martín Marchand (Diego De Paula), un empresario que decide aceptar una candidatura política. Para lanzar su campaña, convoca durante un fin de semana a un equipo de publicistas, técnicos y asesores a su chacra, para que definan su perfil y elaboren spots de campaña en concordancia. Aunque pronto se revelará que algunos de los invitados están más preocupados en minar la carrera política de Marchand y que otros pretenden presentarlo como un personaje de ficción.
La deriva
Executive Producer
Shot in only one night following the experiences and methods of the Situacionists about redifining the urban scenario, Adrift tries to find new meanings in the city landscape, to catch furtives atmospheres, to treasure instants, to integrate the chance in a journey that, in retrospective, asumes a new, autonomous form. In that sense, it's an experiment that uses the streets to perform a human comedy in perpetual movement.
La deriva
Shot in only one night following the experiences and methods of the Situacionists about redifining the urban scenario, Adrift tries to find new meanings in the city landscape, to catch furtives atmospheres, to treasure instants, to integrate the chance in a journey that, in retrospective, asumes a new, autonomous form. In that sense, it's an experiment that uses the streets to perform a human comedy in perpetual movement.