Brian Swanson


Brian Swanson is an American sound mixer based in Florida. He started his career as a freelance sound mixer for ABC 20/20 and Dateline NBC. In 2006, he founded BLS Entertainment, LLC.


Creatures of Light
Sound Recordist
On a summer's night, there's nothing more magic than watching the soft glow of fireflies switching on and off. Few other life forms on land can light up the night, but in the dark depths of the oceans, it's a different story: nearly 90% of all species shine from within. Whether it's to scare off predators, fish for prey, or lure a mate, the language of light is everywhere in the ocean depths, and scientists are finally starting to decode it.
Spring Breakers
Boom Operator
Cuatro jóvenes estudiantes con ganas de mucha juerga acaban en la cárcel, tras ser sorprendidas en una casa llena de drogas durante sus locas vacaciones escolares de primavera. Pronto salen bajo fianza gracias a un joven traficante de armas y de drogas (James Franco), que ve en las chicas a unas potenciales delincuentes que podrían serle útiles.