Lillian Solange Beaudoin

Lillian Solange Beaudoin


Lillian Solange Beaudoin


Malibu Road
Dorothy Crowder
Los Angelenos se convierten de la noche a la mañana en el objetivo de la Agencia de Inteligencia Central durante la Operación Medianoche Climax, parte de MKUltra. La experiencia se convierte en una trampa mortal durante la víspera de Fin de Año en 1960. Ahora, un grupo compuesto por un profesor, una estrella en ciernes y un grupo de trabajadores deben redescubrir la realidad para evitar quedar para siempre atrapados en un ciclo infinito de sexo, drogas y asesinato en el 'paraíso'.
DADDA - Poodle House Saloon
The first chapter of a pseudo western series, a meditation on mediated violence. Donald Duck, his wife Daisy Duck, their daughter Bonkers, Nancy Reagan, Andy Warhol, John Wayne, Mini, Heidi, Poncho, and the Cartwrights abuse, torture, and kill each other.
15:17 Tren a París
En la tarde del día 21 de agosto de 2015, el mundo observaba en silencio mientras los medios informaban sobre un ataque terrorista frustrado en el tren Thalys #9364 con destino a París—un atentado evitado por tres valientes jóvenes americanos que viajaban por Europa. La película narra el curso de las vidas de estos amigos, desde los avatares de su niñez para encontrar su destino, hasta la serie de eventos que precedieron al ataque. A lo largo de esta desgarradora experiencia, su amistad nunca flaqueó, convirtiéndola en su mejor arma, lo que les permitió salvar la vida de los más de 500 pasajeros a bordo.
Art Show Bingo
A creative and talented young man (Wilbur Hunter -played by James Maslow) is torn between his passion for painting and his promise to his father to oneday take over the family business. With his family, his friends, and a newfound love, Wilbur must decide whether to follow his heart or do what's expected of him.
Empire of Dirt
Empire of Dirty quite literally starts things off with a flash and a bang, and the action and suspense is sky high from there. The suspense is the most palpable as the viewer will crave the answers more than the man fighting the guards. Why is he there? Why is he shooting everyone? Why is this the path he needs to take? Vomiting demons, writhing serpents, and the unrepentant voice of one’s reckoning act as a court of justice for this fellow.
Watch Them Come Blood
A group of road tripping friends find more than they bargain for when they stumble upon a brothel specializing in a peculiar type of service.
Odium for Ardor
An author suffering from a sophomore slump hides in a motel room and faces his demons.