Ben Smith


Product Recall
The real and imaginary collide with tragic consequences as a prodigal physicist at the Large Hadron Collider works to answer profound questions about our universe. Believing he's unlocked a frightening secret about the origins of matter itself, he suffers a breakdown. Struggling with his own demons in his search for the 'God particle', he returns home to convalesce. Was his breakdown the natural result of a genius but flawed mind? Or a celestial intervention designed to prevent him from exposing his discovery?
Animation Director
Basada en el libro "The Snowden files. The inside story of the world's most wanted man" escrito por Luke Harding, y en un libro escrito por Anatoly Kucherena, el abogado ruso de Edward Snowden. Narra los acontecimientos que acompañaron la publicación por parte del diario The Guardian de los documentos clasificados que aportó Edward Snowden sobre el programa de vigilancia mundial secreto de la NSA (Agencia de Seguridad Nacional) en 2013.