Jean Faran tiene la desgracia de atropellar con su coche a una joven llamada Micaela. Una vez repuestos del susto, ella le invita a su casa a tomar unas copas. En realidad se trata de un artificio con el fin de que la indemnice de la supuesta pérdida de una joya valiosa. Él le entrega un cheque y se marcha. Al día siguiente, se da cuenta de que se dejó olvidado su reloj y acude de nuevo a casa de la chica. Pero su sorpresa es enorme cuando ve sacar el cadáver de Micaela, asesinada la noche anterior.
The horses in Denys Colomb Daunant’s dream poem are the white beasts of the marshlands of the Camargue in South West France. Daunant was haunted by these creatures. His obsession was first visualized when he wrote the autobiographical script for Albert Lamorisse’s award-winning 1953 film White Mane. In this short the beauty of the horses is captured with a variety of film techniques and by Jacques Lasry’s beautiful electronic score.
A scientist invents a serum that keeps a dog's head alive after its body dies. When the scientist dies of a heart attack, his crazed assistant cuts off his head and, using the serum, keeps the doctor's head alive and forces it to help him on an experiment to give his hunchbacked nurse assistant a new body.
The work of Rodin imagined in the form of a ballet. It is the journey of man in his life, in his loves, until his death. In the second part, it is the fall to hell as Rodin carved it in his "Door of Hell".