A look at the lives of a troupe of geishas working in a small seaside resort town. For the most part, their lives consist of greeting boatloads of oversexed businessmen and providing bawdy entertainment through the evening followed by private companionship at night, interspersed with occasional catfights with the rival geisha house. Their routine is suddenly thrown off by the appearance of an abandoned baby in the geishas' dormitory, followed by its disappearance only a short time later. Who could be responsible for such a thing?
Situado en el período Tokugawa (o Edo), es la primera de las películas de la Serie los placeres de la Tortura de Teruo Ishii. Esta primera película retrata una sucesión de mujeres que son decapitadas, quemadas vivas en la hoguera y partidas en dos por bueyes. La película adopta un enfoque acrónimo de tres historias cortas que todo culminará en largas sesiones de tortura.