Monique Vukovic

Monique Vukovic


Monique Vukovic


Way Down
The road to rock bottom is littered with broken dreams for a group of five (almost) 30-year-old queer artists artists in this captivating episodic musical series. These down-and-out East Village denizens pursue their passions, navigate messy relationships, and unsuccessfully communicate their needs to one another, all while trying to make rent in the city’s most ass-kicking neighborhood.
White Woman
Biopic que centra su historia en torno a los años de instituto de Barack Obama en la ciudad de Nueva York. Una época difícil para el que sería más tarde el presidente de los EE.UU, no solo porque tuvo que hacer frente a los problemas habituales del día a día sino también por el sentimiento de rechazo que experimentó por ser negro o la sensación de no encajar en ningún sitio.
The Shape of Something Squashed
Tom Noonan's play-turned-film 'What Happened Was...' won the Sundance Grand Jury Prize for Best Dramatic Feature in 1994. Now, 20 years later, Noonan has returned to his roots with the SHAPE of SOMETHING SQUASHED, an independent film developed from his latest theatrical hit. It tells the story of an older 'has been' actor who is asked to participate in a read-through of a play at a legendary theater company. The production depends on the success of the read-through, but unbeknownst to the actor he is only standing in for a star playing hard to get. Each character is desperate for their world to become what they've dreamed, making this story both funny and heartbreaking in its depiction of life in, and out of, the theater.
We Wanted Children
After a marital crisis, Ginny grows concerned with her husband's increasingly disturbing behavior.