Chorus Girl (uncredited)
Antes de conocer a la aspirante a actriz Cathy Seldon, el ídolo del cine mudo Don Lockwood pensaba que lo tenía todo; fama, fortuna y éxito. Pero, tras conocerla, se da cuenta de que ella es lo que realmente faltaba en su vida. Con el nacimiento del cine sonoro, Don quiere filmar los musicales con Kathy, pero entre ambos se interpone la reina del cine mudo Lina Lamont.
Singer: Solo Lines in 'Ziegfeld Girls' Number (Uncredited)
Tres mujeres sueñan con actuar en los musicales de Broadway de Florence Ziegfeld. Susan teme que su éxito apene a su padre, actor de vodevil en declive. Sheila se debate entre el amor a su novio y las atenciones de un millonario. Sandra está casada con un virtuoso del violín que no soporta que su mujer consiga el éxito en el mundo de las lentejuelas.
Mitzi, aged 6
Michael Morda, a young sculptor living in San Francisco, is madly in love with Elinor Hunter, and they plan to be married. When Elinor becomes jealous of Julie Stressman, an old friend of Michael's and one of his models, Michael reluctantly asks Julie not to visit him at his studio. They agree to meet only at the construction site where he is working on a sculpture for which Julie is modeling. When Elinor also shows up at the site, Julie leaves so as to avoid a confrontation, but she is killed by some falling materials. Julie's dying request is that Michael adopt her daughter Mitzi, whose father died years earlier. In order to prevent Mitzi from being taken to an orphanage, Michael lies and says he is her father. Elinor hears this, and without asking questions, leaves him and marries another man the same night.
Ballerina (uncredited)
En los sótanos de la Ópera de París vive oculto el misterioso Eric, el hombre de voz de ángel y rostro desfigurado de demonio, que acecha entre pared y pared a la hermosa soprano Christine Daeé, a la que desea catapultar hasta la cima de la fama; pero cuando se entera de que la cantante está prometida al apuesto vizconde Raoul, se vuelve loco de celos.