Una estatua; un estruendoso aplauso.
Director of Photography
From Ingres’ “Reclining Venus” to Gaugin’s Tahitian women – a museum guard presents famous female figures in art who, as if in a Las Vegas revue, step out of their frames and take on exciting new life.
Kafka watches a waitress nibbling from a little pot that she has to serve to somebody. Kafka is outraged and complains about it. The girl gets sentenced to stoning and he complains again and regrets what he has done befoe. When he is not able to stop people throwing stones at her, he committs suicide. However, people help the girl to get up and she continues her usual work.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
A nasty witch has stolen the Princess’ beautiful face. When the three little bunnies try to help the Princess, they also get bewitched and experience an adventurous chase. Only after the witch loses the magical crystal are the Princess and her friends saved.
The song of the sirens, sitting on the rocks, attracts to her kingdom sailors from beyond: Greeks, Vikings, Pirates ...
A part of Earth's population are greedy and power-obsessed. They eat up and destroy everything. All of a sudden the planet Earth decides not to carry them anymore and they disappear in debris.
An old widower comes up with a plan to not spend Christmas alone.
An enumeration of various ways by which the public might react to a film projection.
Director of Photography
A very little man attacks two huge feet and fights with all his power against them until his downfall. While dying, he is still convinced that he is the winner. However, the feet continue running like nothing happened.
There once was a poor miller who had no children but only three apprentices to work for him. The two older boys were lazy, mean and stupid, but youngest was hard-working, friendly, and cheerful. When the miller grows too old to work, he send the boys out into the world. Whoever brings back the most beautiful horse will inherit the mill.
Director of Photography
This year, the annual bike race will pass the highrise where little Max and Tüte live. It is a very hot day and the two boys try to come up with an idea to refresh the bikers. They finagle a huge water sprayer and all their neighbors get involved. But right at the crucial moment, a cat causes a huge accident and the would-be winner in the yellow jersey gets the worst of it.
Director of Photography
Little Max and his friend Tüte want to make the pharmacist into an April fool by asking him for a bottle of mosquito fat. But the pharmacist is clever and sees through the boys’ plan. He labels a bottle “Muscle Power for Cosmonauts, three tablespoons per hour.” Tüte wakes up little Max during the night because he is so excited to share his discovery: One sip from the bottle will turn anybody into a cosmonaut. Little Max drinks some of the tonic and immediately finds himself in full cosmonaut gear. Suddenly, both boys are in outer space, but the tonic has worn off and they are in their pyjamas. They urgently need another sip from the bottle. Or maybe it was all only a dream?