Dan Allen

Dan Allen


Dan is an award-winning director, writer and editor from the UK, working in narrative fiction. He completed his debut feature film, "Unhinged" in 2017, which received international distribution via 88 Films and eOne entertainment. In 2018, his #3MinuteHorror series received acclaim, amassing over 2 million views online and was licensed by Crypt TV. Episode one, "The Mime", has since screened at Bafta and Oscar qualifying Leeds International Film Festival, Vortex, Rhode Island international Film Festival, among others. After being fascinated with magic and a 'Making of Jurassic Park' book in his childhood (whilst also consuming a healthy dose of Star Wars), he started making experimental films with a LEGO webcam when he was about 9 years of age. Dan wrote his first short film whilst undergoing chemotherapy for Hodgkin's Lymphoma Cancer in his penultimate year of secondary school in Essex UK. The film went on to win the 'Best Young Filmmaker' award at Coca-Cola Cinemagic Film Festival in 2009.


Dan Allen


When a humanoid sea creature washes up in Terry's bleak life they quickly develop feelings for each other - But can Man love Fish, and will Terry's older criminal brother get his hands on the creature before Terry can decide how he feels?
It Came from Below
A group of friends find themselves hunted down in the caves by a creature... from another world.
It Came from Below
A group of friends find themselves hunted down in the caves by a creature... from another world.
The Hobbyhorser
A downtrodden caretaker with pony PTSD is blackmailed by a gang of 12 year old mean girls after they discover he has taken an interest in their precious after school sport - hobby horsing.
Mummy Reborn
When a group of teens in financial ruin decide to rob the local antique store, they discover an old wooden tomb containing a Mummy's corpse and an ancient amulet. But what they don't realise is that this tomb is cursed, and when the amulet is separated from it's master, he will do anything to get it back. Our burglars must save the day and return the Mummy to it's tomb before it is too late to save the world.
The Mime
A business woman encounters a mysterious killer mime in a London underpass.
The Mime
A business woman encounters a mysterious killer mime in a London underpass.
The Mime
A business woman encounters a mysterious killer mime in a London underpass.
The Mime
A business woman encounters a mysterious killer mime in a London underpass.
The Mime
A business woman encounters a mysterious killer mime in a London underpass.
Mother Krampus
Basado en el mito de Frau Perchta, una bruja que llega los 12 días de Navidad llevando a los niños cada noche.
Cuatro buenas amigas estadounidenses deciden tomar carreteras secundarias para viajar hasta un funeral en Inglaterra, pero en su camino su coche se avería cuando un alambre de espinas colocado sobre la carretera estalla sus neumáticos. Obligadas a caminar por el bosque, las chicas descubren una casa ocupada por la señorita Perkins, que promete cuidar de ellas hasta que llegue la ayuda. Lo que no saben las chicas, es que un mal oscuro se esconde en el ático.
Cuatro buenas amigas estadounidenses deciden tomar carreteras secundarias para viajar hasta un funeral en Inglaterra, pero en su camino su coche se avería cuando un alambre de espinas colocado sobre la carretera estalla sus neumáticos. Obligadas a caminar por el bosque, las chicas descubren una casa ocupada por la señorita Perkins, que promete cuidar de ellas hasta que llegue la ayuda. Lo que no saben las chicas, es que un mal oscuro se esconde en el ático.
Cuatro buenas amigas estadounidenses deciden tomar carreteras secundarias para viajar hasta un funeral en Inglaterra, pero en su camino su coche se avería cuando un alambre de espinas colocado sobre la carretera estalla sus neumáticos. Obligadas a caminar por el bosque, las chicas descubren una casa ocupada por la señorita Perkins, que promete cuidar de ellas hasta que llegue la ayuda. Lo que no saben las chicas, es que un mal oscuro se esconde en el ático.
Fox Trap
Después de un terrible accidente una joven queda con severos traumas, cinco años después; ella y un grupo de amigos son invitados a una reunión de ex-alumnos de la universidad. Allí se convierten en el principal objetivo de un maníaco enmascarado que busca venganza.
On a cold British evening, Cherry Smith goes for an audition at first-time director Beaufort Bladamir's house, who's passion for realism pushes the boundaries of cinema, and Cherry herself.
On a cold British evening, Cherry Smith goes for an audition at first-time director Beaufort Bladamir's house, who's passion for realism pushes the boundaries of cinema, and Cherry herself.
Tap Tap
Nothing good ever happens when you try to relax in the bath!