Petra Plank


Maximiliano de México: sueños de poder
Assistant Camera
Este documental, filmado en locaciones de Austria, Italia y México, retrata el lado humano y emocional del archiduque de Habsburgo en diferentes etapas de su vida, especialmente durante su estancia en México –a donde llegó para ser emperador–, la vida al lado de su esposa Carlota y su trágica muerte en 1867. Para construir el guion, se consultó a historiadores austriacos y mexicanos, y a un descendiente de los Habsburgo.
The Cellar Lanes of Lower Austria - Wine Culture and the Pleasures of Life
Camera Technician
A Kellergasse – the cellar lane – is one of the distinguishing cultural and physical features of the winegrowing region Niederösterreich – Lower Austria. There are more than a thousand of them. Until recently, wine was not only stored in the Kellergasse, but pressed and fermented there as well. Today, the Kellergassen have less to do with occupation and more with recreation. A documentary by Georg Riha follows a year in the life of this valuable cultural legacy.